Welcome to Manchester Business School Late Arrivals Meeting Melanie Crank / Jenny Brown Undergraduate Services
Welcome Week Presentations These can be found on the Undergraduate intranet: You can also access your programme structure which was included in your welcome pack – this is a list of all the courses you will take in your first year. Intranet contains many useful documents such as timetables, student handbook, absence from class form and assessment rules. You can check your timetable on the student system.
Teaching, Learning & Assessment: What to expect Semester 1 exams take place in January and semester 2 exams take place in May/June Some courses are assessed by exam only, some by coursework and exams and some by coursework only It is important that you attend all your classes – lectures, seminars and tutorials Information on Blackboard is not a substitute for teaching in class Ask if you need help – seminar leaders and lecturers can help Don’t be tempted to copy work (plagiarism), buy essays from the internet or cheat in exams – the penalties are severe, even for a first offence… Last year two students found cheating in first year exams had to resit all their exams and had zero marks on their transcripts
Your First Year You need to pass your first year to proceed to the second year – your overall mark does not count towards your final degree classification, but is still important Pass everything (40%+ in 120 credits) Pass 40%+ in 100 or 110 credits and a “compensatable fail” (30- 39%) in 10 or 20 credits If you fail 30 credits or more (<40%) = RESITS If you fail any course below 30% = RESITS Resits take place in August/September; they are not a ‘second chance’ to gain better grades, only the chance to gain credits lost If you fail resits, this may mean that you are required to take additional courses in your second year, have to retake exams and wait a year to join the second year or have to leave university
Feedback Feedback from us to you: this can take many forms including essays, presentations, online quizzes, etc Feedback from you to us: via questionnaires, focus groups and surveys Further information in the MBS Undergraduate Welcome Guide
Sources of Information MBS Course outlines: te/#mbs te/#mbs MBS Undergraduate intranet: Maths Revision sessions are available throughout both semesters for support with QM1 and QM2 Careers Service: Our main channels of communication with you: University account – please check this daily; E-Bulletin – every fortnight Text messages for class cancellations or last minute room changes
Course Information All courses have a space in the Virtual Learning Environment (Blackboard) Attendance at all workshops, seminars and labs is compulsory and will be monitored English proficiency – testing and language classes are available Medical, personal and other problems MBS Student Support office (D14) Current mobile phone number – so we can contact you quickly (including lecture cancellations and changes)
Student Representatives Student representatives are the voice of students on MBS committees Staff-student liaison committee Programme committees Nomination forms available from D20 (including self- nominations) Deadline 7 October 2011
Contacts Undergraduate Office (D20, MBS East) Assessment and Student Support Centre (D14, MBS East)
Assessment and Student Support Centre Jenny Brown Student Support Coordinator Undergraduate Services Friday 30 th September 2011 Original Thinking Applied
Assessment and Student Support Centre Original Thinking Applied Advice, guidance and support on any issues that may affect your ability to study –Mitigating circumstances –Coursework extensions –Absence from class –Assessment queries –Progression rules Referral MBS East room D14 Opening hours: 9am – 4pm / plus out of office hours appointments
Assessment and Student Support Centre Gill Clarke Manager Assessment and Student Support Centre Jenny Brown Student Support Coordinator Gary Halliwell Student Support Assistant Angela Devereux-Fitzgerald Senior Examinations Administrator Lynsey Cocks Examinations Assistant Notice board – D floor outside Undergraduate reception
Religious Observance The University will make every effort in it timetabling of examinations to avoid holding examinations on religious days of festivals which occur during exam periods for those students whose commitment to the observance of their faith would otherwise cause them to miss the exam. Examination and Religious Observance Form – Student Services Centre. –28 th October (semester 1) Casual, social or domestic religious events not accounted for. Full policy online at guide
Mitigating Circumstances Circumstances beyond your control which adversely affect assessment Complete a form at the earliest opportunity and submit to Assessment and Student Support Centre Provide documentary evidence Support available, coursework extensions, resit exam opportunities.
Register with a Doctor In the Manchester area At the earliest opportunity List of doctors available from ASSC
International Students: –Check your passport/visa Make an appointment to visit: The International Visitors Registration Office, Greater Manchester Police Bootle Street, To book the appointment please attend the International Society Helpdesk. You must make the appointment within 7 days of arrival. You need to take the following 5 things with you to your appointment: (1) passport (2) visa (3) passport sized photo (4) original offer letter from University (5) £34 registration fee in cash. Register with the Police
English Language Support for International Students University Language Centre run classes (academic writing, grammar, pronunciation etc.) –To qualify you must take an online English Language Proficiency Test. –Results and recommendations for language support available at the end of the test. Classes start week beginning 10 October All information available at ULC website:
Assessment and Student Support Centre (ASSC) Referral centre –Academic Advisors –Peer Mentors –Student Handbook –International society –International Advice Team, visa queries –Halls of Residence –Accommodation Office –Disability Support Office –Counselling service –Careers service –Student Services Centre administration, registration, swipe cards, tuition fees, loans –The Student Guidance Service impartial advice on academic issues
Good luck! Any questions just ask.