Newsletter May 2015 Contacts During sessions: Out of hours : Newsletter Parents voice coffee morning Unfortunately we will have to cancel this terms Parents voice meeting due to all staff being included in ratio. We will have opportunities for parents and carers to share their views and ideas with us at our parents evening on Monday 22 nd June. Summer Term Our topics for this term are based around the children’s interests. Information regarding our theme and planned activities are displayed on the notice board in the corridor. We also welcome Parents/Carers and their families in as part of our open door policy. Staffing As some of you may be aware Louise blue group key person has been absent from Bizzy Bears since we returned after the Easter break. Louise is on currently on compassionate leave. Her key children will continue to be cared for by Kelly, Caroline and Catherine in her absence. September 2015 Sessions Please fill in the form attached with your session requirements for September 2015 and return to Pre school by Monday 18 th May. We have had to make a small increase to session fees and lunch clubs fees from September 2015 to cover a increase in our rent on the hall. Parents/carer’s will receive confirmation of their child’s chosen sessions w/b 25 th May. Lunch club closure On Friday 26 th June Bizzy Bears will be closing at 11.45am with no lunch club session as Rachel our Deputy supervisor will be getting married at St Andrews church in Gt Billing at 1.00pm.
Leavers celebration and Pre school Fun Day We will be holding this years fun day on Tuesday July 21 st. There will be a bouncy castle, fun activities and a presentation for our Pre-School leavers. More information to follow. Dates for your diary Friday 22 nd May-Pre school closes for half term Monday 1st June-Pre school opens for summer term Tuesday 9 th June – Pre school trip to West Lodge Farm Monday 22 nd June 6.00pm- 7.30pm – Parents evening Tuesday 21 st July – Leavers celebration and Fun day and last day of term West Lodge Farm trip On Tuesday 9 th June we will be visiting West Lodge Farm in Desborough for our summer trip. All families are invited to join us. We will be meeting at Bizzy Bears at 9.15am and the coaches will be leaving at 9.30am prompt. When we arrive at the farm after a welcome meeting by the farm staff, children and parents can meet the animals, pet the animals in cuddle corner, take a barrel ride, take a woodland walk, build a den and play in the play park. We will meet up for a group picnic at lunch time for those families that wish to join us( hot and cold food can be purchased in the cafe) before leaving the farm to return to Bizzy Bears at 2.00pm.Payments and slips to secure your place need to be returned by Friday 15 th May. If you need more information or have not received a letter with details please speak to a member of staff. Parents evening/ Leavers transition document consultations We will be holding an informal open evening for all parents/carers on Monday 22 nd June 6.00pm – 7.30pm. There will be an opportunity for all parents to discuss your child’s progress with their key person and to look at your child’s special book. Parents of our school leavers will be able to discuss their child’s transition to school and complete the necessary documents. We value your views about the service we offer and there will be opportunities for you to share your opinions with us. If you are unable to attend and would like to meet with your child’s key person at an alternative time please speak to them to arrange this All staff are involved in the open evening so are unable to provide any child supervision so if possible adults only to attend please. Appointment times will be arranged with your child’s key person wk beginning 15 th June.