Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door. To place an item on the Board's agenda, please notify the County Administrator's Office at least ten days prior to the Board meeting. Any citizen concern can be communicated to the County Administrator by calling from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. All citizen complaints are recorded and responded to as soon as possible. WHEN SPEAKING BEFORE THE BOARD, PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME.
6:00 p.m. 1.Closed Session Certification A
BOARD AGENDA Regular Meeting PULASKI COUNTY March 28, 2011 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7:00 p.m. APPROXIMATE PRESENTED BY TIME & ITEM 7:00 p.m. 2. Invocation Bishop David Hoover, Pulaski Christian Church
7:05 p.m. 3.Recognitions: a.Presentation of Resolution to PCHS Girls Basketball Team and Coaches – Formal adoption of the resolution is requested. A presentation to the players and coaches is planned.
b.Presentation of Maynard Hedge Memorial Resolution to Sheriff’s Department - Mr. Conner has requested an opportunity to present a framed version of the resolution to Sheriff Davis for placing in the Sheriff’s Office.
c.Featured Employees – The featured employees to be recognized at the March Board meeting and featured for the month of April are Dianna Bailey and Lynne Shepherd of the Social Services Department.
7:15 p.m. 4. Additions to Agenda
7:20 p.m. 5. Public Hearings: Six Year Secondary Road Plan – VDOT has scheduled a public hearing for this meeting to consider any six year road plan requests from citizens. A copy of the draft plan has been presented to the Board.
7:30 p.m. 6.Citizen Comments
7:45 p.m. 7.Highway Matters: a.Follow-up from Previous Board meeting: 1.Review of Highway Matters Section of Key Activity Timetable (KAT) - Mr. Clarke may have additional information to share.
2.Scheduling of Public Hearing Prohibiting Tractor Trailer Through Traffic on Highland Road Mr. Clarke advises the process is initiated by the County. Board members have been provided documents provided by Mr. Clarke that explain the process. He advised VDOT staff did check the signage and proper signage is in place including one near the Route 100 intersection. Closing of this section of Highland Road would be based on the weight restriction at the Back Creek Bridge. Alternate routing would be via Route 100 and Route 11.
b.Priority Primary Road Projects - The New River Valley Planning District Commission is in the process of developing the annual priority project and recommendations package for the Six-Year Primary Road Improvement Program (SYIP). This year the Secretary of Transportation, Sean Connaughton, is working to collect local input on the SYIP through regional entities prior to planned public hearings. In order to meet this request, the PDC will be submitting three priority projects for the region and would also like to endorse three priority projects for each jurisdiction prior to the SYIP public hearing which will be held at
the Salem District VDOT Auditorium, on May 12th at 6:00 p.m. Thus, setting of three priority projects affecting Pulaski County is recommended. Suggestions include completing the 4-lane of Route 100 between Dublin and Pearisburg by addressing the remaining 2-lane section just inside Giles County; Possum Hollow bridge over Peak Creek; elimination of the I-81/Route 99 and Route 11/Route 100 mini-cloverleaf interchanges.
c.Industrial Access Road Resolution – Approval of the agreement and adoption of an industrial access road resolution is recommended authorizing the construction of an industrial access road serving the Shae Dawn Industrial property.
d.Revenue Sharing Application – Board members have been provided a letter soliciting revenue sharing applications. Approval of remaining funding needed to construct a new entrance into New River Community College and funding of improvements to the Roundhouse Road/Route 11 intersection is recommended.
e.Bridge Repair Resolution
f.Citizen Concerns
g.Board of Supervisors Concerns
8:00 p.m. 8.Treasurer’s Report The Honorable Melinda Worrell, Treasurer
8:05 p.m. 9.Reports from the County Administrator and Staff: a.Appointments – The following appointments were reviewed in Closed Session: 1.Redistricting Committee 2.NR/Mount Rogers Workforce Investment Board
b.Key Activity Timetable - Review of the Key Activity Timetable is requested.
c.Shoreline Management Plan - At the March Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commission voted to recommend the Board support the relicensing effort by the Friends of Claytor Lake, but request AEP and FERC to remove the Shoreline Management Plan approval from the FERC license approval to ensure that it becomes a separate document with separate approval procedures. The goal would be to allow additional review time of the Shoreline Management Plan in hopes to schedule meetings between FOCL, AEP and County staff in order to address concerns.
d.Presentation of Preliminary Budget Recommendations – I plan to fund major capital items from reserves with likely to inclusion of the following: Twin Community Fire Dept. Hose Drying Tower $30,000 Sheriff’s Vehicle replacements $100,000 REMSI Vehicle replacement $100,000 Newbern Fire Dept. Rescue & brush trucks $360,000 Garage Truck $28,000 NR Trail Extension grant match $73,000 Courthouse Westside Window replacements $5,000 Administration copier replacement $15,000 Newbern Jail Preservation $10,000 Subdivision/Zoning Ordinance Revisions $5,000 I also plan to include an evaluation of energy costs and other efficiency savings and continued adjustments in operational funding to maintain existing operations.
8:15 p.m. 10. Items of Consent: a.Approval of Minutes of February 28 and March 7 & 15, 2011 Board Meetings b.Accounts Payable c.Interoffice Transfers, Budget Adjustments(s) & Appropriations d.Ratification and/or Approval of Contracts, Change Orders & Agreements, Etc. e.Personnel Changes f.Payroll Deductions g.Electronic Monitoring h.Fair Housing Resolution i.Acceptance of FY 10 Audit
8:30 p.m. 11.Citizen Comments
8:45 p.m. 12.Other Matters from Supervisors
13. Adjournment
a. Approval of Minutes of February 28 and March 7 & 15, 2011 meetings - Approval of the above listed minutes is recommended.
b.Accounts Payable – Approval of the listing of accounts payable is requested.
c.Interoffice Transfers, Budget Adjustment(s) a and Appropriations – Approval of the interoffice transfers, budget adjustment(s) and appropriations is requested.
d.Ratification and/or Approval of Contracts, Change Orders & Agreements, Etc. – There are no items submitted at this time.
e.Personnel Changes – Board members have been provided an update from Ms. Spence of recent personnel changes.
f. Payroll Deductions – Robert Hiss has been working to provide additional life and disability health insurances available to County employees through payroll deductions. These insurances would include an optional retirement program provided through the Life Insurance Company of the Southwest (LSW) brokered locally by Kenneth Myers and a Short Term Disability product through AllState brokered locally by Dorothy Waller. Existing employees would be able to sign up for these new coverages during the open enrollment period and new employees could do so as they are hired. We
would still keep Nationwide as our current optional 457 retirement plan and offer LSW's products as an alternative. Offering these additional choices is recommended. Inclusion of these products would also be in line with insurances offered by the School Board making it easier for employees to transfer between employers.
g. Electronic Monitoring – Approval is requested to implement a new home electronic monitoring system for juvenile probationary services in order to expand services previously provided by Tammy Boyer. Ms. Boyer is on maternity leave and her absence has prompted a review of possible electronic measures as substitutes for personal contact when working with juveniles sentenced to home confinement. The cost of this service would be $6.75 per individual per day. The use of an electronic monitoring system is likely to reduce usage of the NRV Juvenile Detention facility which currently costs the County $ per day.
Total cost savings to the County would range from approximately $14,000 to $40,000 depending on the use of the system by the courts. Ken Miller, Director of the Court Services Unit for the 27 th judicial district had discussed this option with Judge Chitwood who endorsed the concept as a viable option for use by his court. Operation of the proposed electronic monitoring system would be contracted through a third party vendor.
h. Fair Housing Resolution – A requirement for receiving funding from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development is that the County needs to take one action step to promote fair housing each year. Board members have been provided a draft resolution for the Board’s consideration as a recommended action for 2011.
i. Acceptance of FY 10 Audit