Cells & Organelles This is review for a lot of you but based on how well you did on the pre-test I know that you need the review so please take complete.


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Presentation transcript:

Cells & Organelles This is review for a lot of you but based on how well you did on the pre-test I know that you need the review so please take complete notes so you have what you need for the rest of the unit.

Cells Smallest unit of life Made up of ORGANELLES separate part of the cell with a unique function Two types Plant Cell Animal Cell

Organelles Nucleus Manages cell functions Contains the cell’s genetic information Features: Contains Nucleolus makes ribosomes Found inside the nucleus

Organelles Features cont.: Nuclear membrane Separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell.

Organelles Cytoplasm Functions: Allows chemical reactions Supports organelles (like pieces of fruit in jelly) Features: Jelly-like 70-90% water

Organelles Cytoskeleton a network of protein fibers Functions: Gives strength, support & shape to the cell Provides movement for objects inside cell Features: Can be dis- and reassembled to change shape of cell Acts like a monorail system for transport using “motor proteins.”

Organelles Mitochondria Function: the center of cell respiration/energy processing Releases energy from covalent bonds of food molecules Features: double membranes own DNA

Organelles Cell membrane Function: Controls what enters/exits the cell Features: found around outside of cell Selectively permeable: only allows certain substances in and out of cell.

Organelles Feature cont.: made of a phospholipid bilayer Swap a phosphate for one fatty acid in a triglyceride Hydrophilic phosphate faces the water Hydrophobic tails gather together away from water

Organelles Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) Function: Makes and transports proteins Features: Long membrane “channels” Attached to nuclear membrane. Does have ribosomes attached

Organelles Ribosomes Function: make proteins for the cell to use Features: Some floating free in the cytoplasm Some attached to the endoplasmic reticulum

Organelles Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER): Function: transport and communication Makes & transports lipids & carbohydrates Features: No ribosomes attached has tubes and canals.

Organelles Golgi Complex/Apparatus Function: Makes membranes creates some products for secretion Collects, modifies, and packages proteins for storage and/or shipment Features: Looks like stacks of pancakes Many layers of membranes

Organelles Vesicles Function: Feature: Carry finished products to interior or exterior of cell Feature: Membranes formed from Golgi

Organelles Lysosome Function: Digest worn out organelles & foreign particles Destroy bacteria Remove toxic wastes Features: Contain digestive enzymes About 40 types

Organelles Cell Wall Function: Provides rigid support and structure to plant cells Features: Found outside the cell membrane Made mostly of carbohydrates

Organelles Chloroplast Function: Photosynthesis: convert light energy into chemical energy (stored in covalent bonds of food) Features: Contain pigments (like chlorophyll) that help capture light energy Have own DNA

Organelles Vacuole Function: Store water and undigested materials Features: Large sac in plants cells Small in animal cells

Animal Cell Plant Cell