Photosynthesis and Respiration How cells get and use energy
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration A Web Quest
Web Quest Instructions You will be responsible for tasks 1-8, and 10. You will be working in groups of 2 or 3. You may complete the final product, your travel brochure, in Notability or on paper. The web quest will be due on Friday, 08 Nov 2013.
Additional Information Make sure you are able to complete the worksheet as that is the information you will be responsible for on the test. The textbook, pages 94-97, will be very helpful in completing the worksheet. Be sure to visit to the last link: NOVA. Photosynthesis - cell respiration animation
Additional Web Quest Links Photosynthesis Animation - YouTube Photosynthesis for Kids - Buzzle How Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration are Related - Buzzle Photosynthesis Song - YouTube Our Textbook, Pages These links can be found on my homepage as well.
In general, you will not need to know details about the how the chloroplast and mitochondria work, only what occurs in each organelle. You will need to know the chemical reactions (equations) for both photosynthesis and cellular respiration. If you are able to complete the worksheet, then you have gained the expected knowledge for this assignment. worksheet,
Task 1 Create a map of the areas that visitors will see on the trip. Your map should show where the important organelles of cellular respiration sit inside a plant cell, and how you will get there. Continue the map to the mitochondria of an animal cell. Provide a map legend which gives close-up pictures of significant landmarks (chloroplast, mitochondrion, cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, etc).
Task 2 Create an itinerary for the trip. Describe what visitors can expect to see at each location. Chemical reaction, reactants, and products Additional materials needed at each location How those materials get to each location Relationship between the locations (how the two processes are related to each other).
Task 3 Create an advertising campaign for your trip Create a catchy slogan and cover design for your travel brochure. Include Task 1 and Task 2 pages. Write an exciting conclusion (something that will make us want to go on the tour).
Evaluation Rubric