TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE STI Indicators of Turkey Devrim YAĞAN ECO - UIS Regional Workshop on STI Indicators Tehran 8-10 December 2013
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Content STI Policy STI Indicators Overview Research and Development Activities Survey Overview Coverage and data collection Measurement Results GBAORD Innovation Survey Overview Coverage and data collection Results
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE STI Policy The Supreme Council for Science and Technology (SCST) National Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy ( ) Aims to strengthen national R&D and innovation capacities in order to upgrade the industrial structure towards high-technology industries. TurkStat Responsible institution to produce R&D, innovation and other related statistics to meet the needs of SCST.
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE TurkStat conduct following STI surveys: STI Indicators - Overview Research and Development Activities Survey Data available from 1990 Annually GBAORD Data available from 2008 Annually Innovation Survey Data available from 1997 Every two years
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE STI Indicators - Methodological Base Frascati Manual as the main methodological source for R&D statistics (GERD and GBAORD). Oslo Manual as the main methodological source and conduct innovation surveys in line with Community Innovation Survey (CIS) of Eurostat.
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Research and Development Activities Survey – GERD Coverage The survey covers three national sectors: Business Enterprises Government Sector Higher Education Sector
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE GERD - Coverage Business Enterprises Sector All enterprises that are known to perform R&D or to be potential R&D performers are covered: Enterprises which are known as R&D performers from previous R&D surveys and from the Structural Business Survey (20+ census, <20 sample), Enterprises supported directly by Government Institutions like TUBITAK, Technology Development Foundation of Turkey, Small and Medium Industry Development Organization (KOSGEB) etc. Enterprises supported indirectly via tax incentives or R&D deductions under the Law on Supporting Research and Development, no.5746 Enterprises in Technology Development Zones and Technoparks, Top 500 enterprises in industry and services sector separately by turnover and value added.
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE GERD - Coverage Government Sector All governmental institutions include: Central government: Public administrations within the scope of general budget Special Budget administrations (exclude universities and high technology institutes) Regulatory and supervisory agencies Local administrations: Municipalities Higher Education Sector All public and private universities and high technology institutions
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE GERD – Data collection Face-to-face interview Paper and web based questionnaire Business enterprises Postal survey Paper based questionnaire Government Administrative sources and face-to- face interview Higher education
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE GERD – Administrative Data Sources Academic personnel database – Higher Education Council State universities’ budget data – Ministry of Finance State universities’ own funds data – Ministry of Finance
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE GERD – Classifications used Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community, Revision 2 (NACE Rev.2) The Nomenclature for the Analysis and Comparison of Scientific Programmes and Budgets (NABS) International Standard Classification of Occupations, ISCO Fields of Science and Technology (FOS-2007) International Standard Classification of Education, ISCED
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE GERD – Measurement Business Enterprises Sector – Data collection process Preparing questionnaire Manuals Other documents Training To interviewers Web-based user interface With edit rules Testing data entry program Create user ID and passwords Frame List of enterprises from different sources
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE GERD – Measurement Business Enterprises Sector – Data collection process Government Sector Data are collected via postal survey by TurkStat directly from governmental bodies based on their registers and / or estimations of experts employed in. Data collection Paper based Web Data entry For paper based questionnaires by regional offices Data analysis SAS SPSS Modeler
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE GERD – Measurement Higher Education Sector R&D Expenditure Public Universities Budget Analytical budget classification Using functional codes to identify R&D Own fundsR&D coefficients To estimate shares of R&D Private Universities Own funds and funds from other units Survey results Based on estimates by the heads of university departments
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE GERD – Measurement Higher Education Sector Academic Personnel Database Time-use survey results (FTE) Number of R&D personnel (HC and FTE) Gross earnings From one public university From all private universities FTE x gross earnings Personnel R&D expenditures R&D shares of own funds (public universities) R&D shares of personnel expenditure funded by other units
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE GERD – Dissemination The results of the survey are published as a news release on TurkStat’s web site annually. TurkStat publishes following indicators: Expenditure on R&D by sector of performance, by type of cost, by source of funds, by economic activities (only for business enterprises sector), by Socio-Economic Objectives-NABS (only for government sector), by fields of sciences (only for higher education sector), by Classification of Statistical Regions (SR) Level-1,
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE GERD – Dissemination R&D personnel by sector of performance, by occupation, by qualification. Accessing micro data: TurkStat also provides access and usage facility for the micro data of Business Enterprises Sector R&D and researches in accordance with the legal legislation based on the national and international researchers demand.
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Results Business enterprise expenditure on R&D, 2001 and 2011 As a percentage of GDP
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Results Direct government funding of business R&D, 2001 and 2011 (or latest year) As a percentage of R&D performed in the business sector
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Results R&D personnel, 2001 and 2011 per thousand employment
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Results Researchers by sector of employment, 2011 (or latest year) As a percentage of total researchers, FTE
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE GBAORD Objective and Coverage GBAORD is an alternative way to evaluate the role of government’s R&D activities. In other words, this method aims to measure R&D activities financed by government. GBAORD covers not only government-financed R&D performed in government establishments but also government-financed R&D in the other three national sectors (business enterprise, private non-profit, higher education) as well as abroad (including international organizations). GBAORD method is based on measuring or estimating Government’s appropriations or outlays on R&D in related period by using budget data.
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE GBAORD Objective and Coverage This method covers following activities: R&D activities realized in government institutions and financed by government, R&D activities realized in business sector, private non-profit sector and higher education and financed by government, R&D activities realized in abroad and financed by government.
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE GBAORD Objective and Coverage The central government institutions / organizations covered, Public administrations within the scope of general budget, Special Budget administrations (include universities and high technology institutes), Regulatory and supervisory agencies. Local governments and State-Owned Enterprises are excluded. Additionally, The Defence Industry Support Fund is also covered.
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE GBAORD Data collection GBAORD is based on mainly budget analysis. Therefore, main data source of this study is central government budget data. Data are collected twice in a year: The provisional data is based on initial budget appropriations in the Budget Law. This calculation made on the basis of the initial budget appropriations is called "Estimated Results". The final data is based on actual outlays. This calculation is called "Final Results".
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Innovation Survey Overview Innovation statistics is conducted by a questionnaire called “Community Innovation Survey (CIS)”. It is a harmonized survey designed to provide information on; the innovativeness of sectors by type of enterprises, different types of innovation, various aspects of the development of an innovation.
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Innovation Survey Overview Up to now Turkey has conducted seven CIS in comply with Oslo Manual: CIS-2, , launched in 1999 CIS-3, , launched in 2000 CIS-4, , launched in 2004 ( As from 2004, survey has been carried out every two years ) CIS-2006, , launched in 2007 CIS-2008, , launched in 2009 CIS-2010, , launched in 2011 CIS-2012, , launched in 2013
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Innovation Survey Coverage Three size classes are used for CIS in Turkey: 10-49,
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Innovation Survey Coverage The core coverage according to NACE Rev 2. for the latest survey conducted in 2013 is as follows: Mining and quarrying (NACE B: 05-09) Manufacturing (NACE C: 10-33) Electricity, gas steam and air conditioning supply(NACE D: 35) Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (NACE E: 36-39) Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles (NACE 46) Transportation and storage (NACE H: 49-53) Information and communication (NACE J: 58-63) Financial and insurance activities (NACE K: 64-66) Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis (NACE 71) Scientific research and development (NACE 72) Advertising and market research (NACE 73)
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Innovation Survey Data collection and classifications Data is collected by Regional Offices with the help of special web-based program designed by TurkStat. Authorized personnel of enterprises fill the web-based questionnaire with a provided password. Enterprises are classified by country, economic activity (NACE Rev 2), size class and type of innovation activity.
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Innovation Survey Sampling Stratified random sampling is used according to the economic activities (in accordance with NACE Rev.2) and size classes. Weighting method is applied to obtain parameters from the data set resulting from sampling so as to represent the universe. These parameters include design weights, adjustments for non-response, external distribution checks and ultimate multiplying factor.
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Innovation Survey Dissemination The results of the survey are published as a news release on TurkStat’s web site. With this news release, TurkStat publishes following indicators: Enterprises with innovation activities by size class, by sector, by type of innovation. TurkStat also provides access and usage facility for the micro data based on the national and international researchers demand
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Results Enterprises with innovation activities,
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Results Product innovation, by R&D status,
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Results Innovation types by firm size, As a percentage of all SMEs and large firms