The Public Sector Mapping Agreement: Using Geography to Underpin the Work of Town, Parish & Community Councils Ian Carter Public Sector Strategy Manager SLCC Practitioners’ Conference 2 March 2013
Everything that will ever happen… …will happen somewhere
Contents Using real case studies to demonstrate how town and parish councils can use mapping data under the PSMA to provide context to their work; manage assets more effectively; share data with citizens and public bodies and deliver cost savings and efficiency improvements. Ordnance Survey today A beginner’s guide to GIS An introduction to the Public Sector Mapping Agreement (PSMA) The PSMA products OS OpenData™ Case studies and suggested uses of data Questions
Ordnance Survey
Ordnance Survey Today Ordnance Survey is 227 years old National mapping organisation of Great Britain 1990: Executive Agency 1999: Trading Fund 2009: Government Consultation 2010: Launch of Open Data 2011: Public Sector Mapping Agreement launched Relationships with some 2821 public sector organisations and numerous commercial bodies underpinning some £100 billion of UK economic activity
Online Data CollectionData Maintenance Data Integration/Processing Data Supply Digital MediaGraphic Media Customers/Partners Ordnance Survey’s business
Modern, Seamless, Digital Products
What is Geographic Information? Paper map Digital data file Spatial information databases
An Early Example: effective use of mapping in 18 th century London
Providing Geographic Context: The 1854 Broad Street Cholera Outbreak Snow's work, particularly his maps of the Soho area cholera victims, convinced the Reverend Henry Whitehead (Assistant Curate at St Luke’s Church in Soho) that the Broad Street Pump was the source of the local infections and together they persuaded the local authority to remove the pump handle.
Providing geographic context
Identifying Clusters and Anomalies X All claims dropped: saving £250,000
Identifying Hidden Relationships
What is the PSMA? A centrally funded agreement between Government and Ordnance Survey allowing free access to our data at the point of use from April 2011 Covers eligible public sector bodies from Central Government, Local Government and Health in England and Wales Provides a set of core datasets from Ordnance Survey – GB coverage It is a ten year agreement with wider licensing rights to … Enable more effective joint working between public sector bodies and private organisations that support your “core business” and create a collaborative partnership between public sector users of GI and Ordnance Survey
PSMA Sign Up 2821 PSMA Members fully signed as at 31 st December 2012 Includes 1836 Parish/Town/Community Councils: Tatenhill Parish Council (Cheshire) being the 2000 th member to sign up Visit PSMA website for full list of members
PSMA member PSMA member Internal business use / display and promotion to public via internet Reports Any other OS data user Anyone for “Core Business” Contractor What members can / cannot do with the data? Commercial services Competing activities One Scotland member
However….. You are entitled to make a charge for the provision of mapping or data where: The charge is to cover the costs of providing any such data / mapping (i.e. an Administration fee). Such a charge cannot include Copyright fees as these are already covered Where a statute permits a charge to be levied for the supply of information
The Principal Contact – main roles & responsibilities Become the point of contact between Ordnance Survey and the PSMA member organisation Act as a recipient for communications from Ordnance Survey, including data and literature Be a source of information in all matters relating to Ordnance Survey (data, PSMA licensing, etc.) Attend relevant meetings and events Manage other user access to the PSMA web site Liaise with other PSMA members on data sharing Manage the provision of data under the Contractors’ and End Users’ licenses Provide feedback to Ordnance Survey Liaise with Principal Contacts at principal authorities
PSMA Products - reference sheet
OS OpenData Introduced 1 April 2010 Can be ordered through the PSMA on-line service No restrictions on reuse Can be passed to anyone Can be commercially exploited No limitations on publishing Still requires a Copyright acknowledgment Boundary-Line™ Meridian™ 2 Strategi ® 1: Gazetteer 1: Scale Colour Raster MiniScale ® OS Street View ® Land-Form PANORAMA ® OS Locator™ OS VectorMap ® District Code-Point ® Open
Case Studies: town & parish council uses of geographic data
Insert protective marking - see QSP 032
Suggested uses/benefits Grounds / buildings maintenance contracts Planning major events Consultation with other bodies: police / fire / utilities / local authorities and your parishioners Sharing data with other bodies Easier to use data provided by other PSMA members Website – location of facilities (e.g. Allotments) Reports Meeting the Government’s localism objectives Neighbourhood planning Parish (Community Lead Planning)
How are local councils using the data? 84 local councils responded to a recent “Customer Value Questionnaire” sent to every PSMA member organisations (over individual PSMA contacts ) Most frequent uses of data reported: Flood Modelling & Flood risk assessment Protection and Conservation (rural and urban) PROW Management Visitor / tourist information Grounds / parks maintenance Estates building and / or housing management
Mapping for Emergencies
Summary So we will - Continue to act as a partner to the public sector Develop and promulgate examples of local councils delivering cost savings & efficiency improvements with geographic information Offer advice and consultancy support (including “Proof of Concept” projects) Town, parish & community councils – Join the Public Sector Mapping Agreement Access a range of geographic data sets Use data for contextualisation and as a platform from which to share information Geographic information is not just paper mapping – it is seamless, edgeless digital data