TRAINING COURSE ON THE PRODUCTION OF STATISTICS ON THE INFORMATION ECONOMY Module B-2 ICT data sources ICT data collection strategies Unctad Manual Chapters.


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Presentation transcript:

TRAINING COURSE ON THE PRODUCTION OF STATISTICS ON THE INFORMATION ECONOMY Module B-2 ICT data sources ICT data collection strategies Unctad Manual Chapters 5 and 9

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 2 Objectives After completing this part of the course you will be able to Prepare an ICT data collection strategy Raise awareness on the institutional aspects of ICT data collection Link the statistical strategy to the ICT policies Select a target sector for analysis Decide on the timeframe for data collection Select an adequate survey vehicle Contents of the module B2.1. ICT data sources B2.2. Data collection methods B2.3. Institutional issues

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 3 Data sources on the use of ICT by business Data sourceIndicators that may be collected Indication of costs 1 Administrative sources Limited number of indicators on the availability of basic ICT infrastructure Not expensive (by- product of administrative activities) 2 Statistical business Registers Limited number of indicators on the availability of basic ICT infrastructure with selected breakdowns (size, sector) Medium cost (for establishment and maintenance) 3 Module or questions on ICT in existing surveys or censuses Indicators on the availability of basic ICT infrastructure with selected breakdowns (size, sector); limited number of indicators on use of ICT. Marginal costs related to the Survey to which it is attached 4 Stand-alone ICT survey Indicators on the availability of basic ICT infrastructure with selected breakdowns (size, sector); indicators on use of ICT; indicators on barriers to the use of ICT; indicators on ICT costs, investment, etc. High cost for design, data collection, and processing B2.1. ICT data sources Page 40

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 4 1. Administrative sources Administrative registers from telecommunication operators and regulatory bodies AdvantagesAdvantages Supply indicators on ICT access Disadvantages Information embedded in contracts is limited Scope is statistically inadequate B2.1. ICT data sources Page 41 Foreign trade registers provide ICT trade data (import and export transactions are compiled following the HS classification of goods) C an also be adequate for other indicators … C an also be adequate for other indicators …

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 5 2. Statistical business registers AdvantagesAdvantages Indicators can be quickly aggregated (no fieldwork is required) The marginal cost of statistical production is very low. DisadvantagesDisadvantages Generally, only indicators on the presence of certain technologies (telephone, computers, and web presence) can be produced Informal sector not covered. B2.1. ICT data sources Page 41

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 6 3. Module and questions in Economic censuses Economic censuses are not generally well suited to monitoring ICT use by businesses due to: The low periodicity (5 or 10 years). The limitation on the number of ICT questions that can be included. The most common survey vehicles are: Economy-wide business surveys Surveys on the manufacturing sector Surveys on the service sector Innovation and Research and Experimental Development (R&D) surveys Business surveys B2.1. ICT data sources Page 42

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 7 3. Implementation of a module on ICT use Selection of the survey vehicle Variables to be included in the module and variables existing in the survey vehicle Methodology of the survey vehicle Design of the module itself Definitions to be used Wording of questions Adjusting of the sample design if necessary B2.1. ICT data sources Pages 44, 45

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 8 4. Stand-alone ICT surveys Collection of detailed information High demand for business ICT indicators from: policymakers, the market the society in general Surveys are carried out by: NSO (or within the statistical system) and, sometimes, by Organizations outside the statistical system usually linked with ICT policymaking institutions. B2.1. ICT data sources Page 48

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 9 4. Stand-alone ICT surveys Advantages Advantages Collection of more information than modules in other surveys: on access to ICT, purposes of use, e-commerce, security, skills, etc. Control over survey methodology Disadvantages Disadvantages Higher costs than modules included in other surveys, since they require o o A specific design, o o Dedicated fieldwork with specialized training for the interviewers (if used), and o o Independent data processing and dissemination. B2.1. ICT data sources

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies Stand-alone ICT surveys in the National Statistical System ICT surveys are better carried out within the NSS in order to: Benefit from official statistical infrastructure o o Statistical business registers o o Data collection systems o o Sampling methodology o o Harmonized methodologies Enable coordination with the NSS existing surveys o o Use of common methodologies o o Statistical units, classification and concepts o o Minimization of the burden to respondents B2.1. ICT data sources

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 11 Surveys on the ICT sector and ICT trade data Some business surveys partially cover the ICT sector: Economy-wide surveys Manufacturing and service sectors surveys Other industry surveys: Production, Innovation and R&D surveys They provide ICT sector data on: Number of enterprises and establishments Turnover, production and value added Labour force, wages and salaries Expenditure on capital, R&D and innovation The detail in the ICT sector definition may present challenges regarding sample size and coverage. Possible solutions are to: Increase the sample size in some classes Implement a stand-alone survey of the ICT sector B2.1. ICT data sources Page 50 Page 51

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 12 Surveys on the ICT sector and ICT trade data Remember: The core ICT trade indicators (ICT3 and ICT 4) are on imports and exports. However other statistical information may exist in a country. Trade data can be obtained: Sectoral trade surveys that may cover wholesale trade of IT equipment A good administrative source for ICT3 and ICT4 are Foreign Trade registers from Customs authorities Specific attention should be given to: National legislation International standards B2.1. Types of data sources

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 13 Comparison of different data collection methods Methods of data collection 1Face-to-face personal interview 2 Telephone personal interview 3 Interview assisted by computer 4 Mail survey 5 Electronic survey Questionnaire should be tested before choosing a particular data collection method Usually, the best approach is to have a mix of techniques B2.2. Data collection methods Page 53-55

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 14 Advantages The most direct method of collecting information Especially useful for oQuestions about opinions or impressions oSurveys that take a long time to complete Lower non-response rates Disadvantages Interviewers without adequate training can induce important biases Possible high costs for hiring and training interviewers The quality of transport infrastructure determines the ability to reach respondents (businesses) 1. Face-to-face personal interview B2.2. Data collection methods Page 53

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 15 Advantages Allows direct interaction between the interviewer and interviewee Fast and relatively inexpensive Disadvantages Correct and comprehensive telephone numbers may not be available May not be suitable for collecting quantitative information Non-response rate is usually larger than for face-to-face interviews (but lower than for mail-based surveys) 2. Telephone personal interview B2.2. Data collection methods

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 16 Advantages Better input data quality Less time needed for data capture and validation Questionnaires can be customized IT can be a cheap and comfortable tool for data collection Disadvantages Interviewers require some technical skills CAPI and CATI systems are usually based on commercial software that can be costly and require IT support staff CAPI requires that interviewers carry expensive IT equipment 3. Interview assisted by computer (CAPI/CATI systems) B2.2. Data collection methods

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies Mail survey Advantages Relatively inexpensive Respondents complete the questionnaire at their convenience No interviewer bias (unless interviewer follow up) Useful for numerical and multiple choice questions Disadvantages Requires separate data entry (unless advanced OCR tools are available) High non-response rates Not designed for detailed written responses Can introduce bias if questionnaires are not well designed Lack of help from an interviewer can produce low quality information Delays in mailing back questionnaires result in delays in the survey B2.2. Data collection methods

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies Electronic survey Advantages Same advantages as mail survey but faster and cheaper No manual inputting of data Editing at the time of data entry Disadvantages Response rate will depend on the level of ICT diffusion Higher technology costs Could entail higher personnel costs for skilled staff handling the data collection tools B2.2. Data collection methods

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 19 Quality control on data collection: how to minimize the error rate Establishing good frames Containing all in-scope businesses Free of coverage errors Providing suitable training to interviewers on The questionnaire contents (especially for complex technical concepts) Dealing with respondents Preparing well-designed questionnaires Establishing validation controls and applying them to questionnaires Establishing a policy of incentives and sanctions B2.2. Data collection methods Controls at data entry stage are more effective than corrections at later stages Page 55

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 20 Stakeholders in the ICT statistical system Data Providers Individual businesses Business associations ICT service providers and regulators Other providers of administrative data (e.g. Customs) Data producers NSOs ICT ministries regulators ICT service providers Academia Other research entities Data users Government International organisations Business associations, Academia Other research entities B2.3. Institutional issues Page 109

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 21 ICT statistics in the National Statistical System ICT collections should be included in national statistical programmes in order to: Increase the engagement of Governments for Funding Other assistance Communicate plans to users Coordinate the technical and financial resources of the NSO and other data producers. B2.3. Institutional issues Page 109

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 22 Coordination in the NSS Technical coordination ICT concepts and relevant classifications (use and definitions) Establishment of Population frames Metadata preparation and dissemination procedures Legal coordination Institutional framework Legal provisions related to Technical standards Official status of the statistics Funding Coordination in resource allocation Financial resources Technical capacities of staff ICT resources B2.3. Institutional issues Page 111

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 23 Cooperation with data users Assess the demand for ICT statistics through contacts with – and feedback from – data users. Facilitate the use of ICT statistics to users through Transparency of methodology (availability and dissemination of metadata) Timeliness (dissemination calendar) Maximize the dissemination (accessibility) of ICT statistics through A wide range of data dissemination formats, including the Web B2.3. Institutional issues Page 115

UNCTAD Module B2: ICT data collection strategies 24 The potential sources of ICT statistical data oAdministrative oSBR oModules or questions in a vehicle oStand alone Surveys on the ICT sector and ICT trade data may provide specific information A portfolio of data collection methods Data quality control, an investment Who’s who in the Statistical System Review Module 2 essentials