MS BLODGETT’S RULES AND CLASS POLICIES EDIT 3318: Applications of Technology in Education Fall - 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

MS BLODGETT’S RULES AND CLASS POLICIES EDIT 3318: Applications of Technology in Education Fall

SECTION 1: Professionalism Practical & Active Learning Course is designed – for you to become a professional educator. – reach for the highest quality and strive for mastery learning. Material is designed – to address the K-12 classroom of today – what you could make of it tomorrow, – To be applicable to your immediate future Administrators at every grade level and discipline, – highly desire teachers with strong and varied technology skills. – You should consider saving information for later use in your career.

SECTION 1: Professionalism Logical Consequences Learning to accept the logical consequences of one’s actions or inactions. This course will be conducted based on logical consequences. – Rudeness to others students will not be tolerated – displays of temper or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated Improper behavior will result – in the student being asked to leave the classroom. – Grade reductions, a failing grade for the course and – reporting the student’s conduct to University authorities

SECTION 1: Professionalism Logical Consequences If you – attend class, are prepared for class, – turn in well-done assignments, – participate in class you will earn a good grade. If you – choose to skip class, – are not prepared for class, – turn in sloppy and/or late work, – do not participate in class you earn a lower grade.

SECTION 1: Professionalism Classroom Courtesy Please respect the opinions of others – in all forums of course discussion. – seek to engage in mature and empathetic academic discourse. In the event that grossly rude or distasteful comments or behaviors occur, the person responsible will be asked to leave. – (The instructor reserves the right to handle such incidents in the manner they see best fit.)

SECTION 1: Professionalism Classroom Courtesy Cell Phones 1 st time – the cell phone will be confiscated & returned at the end of the class and – it will also result in the loss of all Participation/Attendance points for that class. 2nd time – the cell phone will be confiscated & returned at the end of the class and – it will also result in the loss of all Participation/Attendance points for that class and – all the points for the assignment or project being worked on

SECTION 1: Professionalism Classroom Courtesy Cell Phones 3rd Time – The student having to leave the class and not return until the next class meeting, and – it will be counted as an absence. It will also result in the loss of all Participation/Attendance points for that class, and it will be counted as an absence – Loss of all the points for the assignment or project being worked on and – the loss of one (1) letter grade.

SECTION 1: Professionalism Classroom Courtesy Cell Phones 4th time – The student having to leave the class and not return until the next class meeting – the loss of all Participation/Attendance points for that class, and it will be counted as an absence – loss of all the points for the assignment or project being worked on, – the loss of 2 additional letter grades – a recommendation to drop the course as the student will now have an “F” in the course

SECTION 1: Professionalism Intellectual Theft Plagiarism & Copyright Violations WILL NOT be tolerated and will result in: – an automatic failing grade (F) for the course and – Texas Tech disciplinary actions as outlined in the Texas Tech University Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog and Standard Operating Procedures. Avoiding this problem is as easy as: – the completion of your work in a timely manner – producing (required) original work. – Knowing 4 or more words taken from a source require quotation marks and a citation.

SECTION 1: Professionalism Attendance Absence 1 – Free Absence 2 – 1st Reduction of 1 letter grade

SECTION 1: Professionalism Attendance Absence 3 – 2nd Reduction of 1 letter grade Absence 4 – 3rd Reduction of 1 letter grade; – Recommendation to Drop; – a Letter to the Dean of student’s college.

SECTION 1: Professionalism Attendance Late to Class – Class starts at the appointed time – Should be ready to start – not getting ready to start – excessive lateness will result in a deduction of Participation/Attendance points – will count towards an absence and a loss of a letter grade. – Excessive Lateness - 10 minutes or more late to class, – being late 10 minutes or more three (3) times will result in the loss of a letter grade.

SECTION 1: Professionalism Participation Participation points as well as points in other areas will be lost for not being prepared for class. Working on anything other than EDIT 3318 assignments/projects during class will:

SECTION 1: Professionalism Participation 1 st time – results in the loss of all Participation/Attendance points for that class. 2nd time – result in the loss of all Participation/Attendance points for that class, and – all the points for the assignment or project being worked on

SECTION 1: Professionalism Participation 3rd time – results in the student being asked to leave the class, – the loss of all Participation/Attendance points for that class, – all the points for the assignment or project being worked on, – and one (1) letter grade.

SECTION 1: Professionalism Participation 4th time – result in the student being asked to leave the class, – the loss of all Participation/Attendance points for that class, – all the points for the assignment or project being worked on, and – the loss of 2 additional letter grades.

SECTION 1: Professionalism Assignments Junior Level Class –T–The responsibility for assignments is yours Beginning of your professional classes Quality of your work will be graded on a professional standard

Due Dates: Verify first with your weekly schedule and second with your instructor. All assignments and projects are due at the beginning of class –p–projects/assignments must be printed prior to the beginning of class, – n– not during the first 5 minutes of class.

Late Assignments: 20% of total score deducted for each 24 hours after due time. If you are absent the day a project/assignment is done in class, the assignment Cannot be “made up”. Class time will NOT be used to “catch up” students who were absent the previous class meeting.

SECTION 1: Professionalism Assignments All projects / assignments are to be TYPED not handwritten. Spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation errors will result in loss of points.

SECTION 1: Professionalism Assignments Points will be deducted for non-professional appearing materials It is Your responsibility to have the project/assignments printed and ready to turn in. Very few excuses will be accepted as to why an assignment is late

SECTION 1: Professionalism Assignments Projects/assignments left in the instructor’s mailbox, pushed under the instructor’s office door, delivered by someone other than you or ed without prior permission will be considered late. The printer in the lab: – is not free – You have to put money on the proper card to use it – does not always work, have paper, or toner – you should not rely on it for printing assignments and projects the day they are due

SECTION 2: Course Notes As a university and upper-division undergraduate student, it is your responsibility to complete your work and stay up-to-date with the course Instruction or policy changes made during the course will made in class and/or .

SECTION 2: Course Notes You will be held responsible for all instructions provided whether printed or spoken, regardless of your class attendance. Always have your USB flash card. Anything you create and/or save on the lab computers is not secure.

SECTION 2: Course Notes Some projects in this course will take a considerable amount of time. – manage your time wisely to produce the expected standard of work and – be prepared to spend an appropriate amount of time outside of class – According to the University, students should spend a minimum of 3 hours working on assignments outside of class for every 1 credit hour. – This is a 3 - credit hours course, be prepared to devote a minimum of 9 hours per week outside of class to complete course assignments, projects, and readings

SECTION 2: Course Notes Finish your work by the due date Do not hesitate to run your ideas past the instructor or ask for assistance! Microsoft Office Professional 2007 or Office 2008 for Macs, is the course software. – Files or documents in any other format will not be accepted. Manage your time. Stay on top of projects. The semester has a habit of slipping away!

SECTION 3: Students with Disabilities “Any student who, because of a disability, may require special arrangements in order to meet the course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible to make any necessary arrangements. Students should present appropriate verification from Student Disability Services during the instructor’s office hours. Please note instructors are not allowed to provide classroom accommodations to a student until appropriate verification from Student Disability Services has been provided. For additional information, you may contact the Student Disability Services office at 335 West Hall or ”