EU Framework Programme 6, Priority 5: ”Food Quality and Safety”,Topic 41: “Human health implications of exposure to chemical residues in the environment” CASCADE -Chemicals as contaminants in the food chain -A Network of Excellence for research, risk assessment and education
CASCADE Established in the spring of 2004 to provide Europeans with a durable, comprehensive and independent network of excellence in: - research - risk assessment, and - education concerning endocrine-disrupting chemicals in food.
CASCADE - Its aim is not only to fill gaps of scientific knowledge, but also to increase public awareness and promote balanced decisions among consumers regarding food.
CASCADE Activities include: -cstate-of-the-art research from the best European research centres in the field, - innovative training programmes for students, - relevant information to consumers - reliable assessment to legislators concerning risks of chemicals in food.
The Problem There are many chemical residues in our food, of which some may interfere with the human endocrine system.
The Problem …… Many hormones elicit their actions in the body through intracellular receptor proteins which belong to the nuclear receptor superfamily. Disrupted nuclear hormone receptor function is suspected to be linked to diseases common in the western world, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes.
Synergism through integration CASCADE’s 23 partner research groups, and associated collaborating organisations, aim to reach synergistic effects through close interdisciplinary collaboration and integrating activities such as common publications and shared technology platforms.
Synergism through integration Exchange of researchers and students within CASCADE is encouraged. CASCADE will also foster a new generation of scientists through open interdisciplinary courses and study programmes.
The science Single toxicants have been extensively studied in the past. However, there are considerable knowledge gaps regarding the interactions between chemicals in mixtures and the effect these mixtures may have on human health.
The science CASCADE focuses on: - the estimation of cumulative, low dose, combined exposures, - impact of endocrine disrupters and chronic chemical pollution, - combined environmental exposures.
The science CASCADE will develop: -animal-, cell-and computer-based test methods to screen food extracts for the presence of a broad range of chemical residues and metabolites, -in order to investigate their possible potential to interfere with nuclear receptor signaling pathways.
The science CASCADE will develop: As the health effects of endocrine-disrupting substances are complex and often subtle, an important task is: -to identify biological markers of exposure.
The science CASCADE will also: - provide mechanistic information regarding disease development caused by chemical exposures.
Spreading the excellence CASCADE is committed - to filling information gaps that are prevalent regarding chemical residues in food.
Spreading the excellence CASCADE will collaborate with a broad range of organisations and groups, - providing scientific advice - risk assessment to support regional, national and European authorities. -the network will organise annual scientific forums open for both scientists and laymen.
Risk assessment development CASCADE risk assessment focusses on: - development of exposure assessment methodology - mathematical modelling of experimental data - development of novel tools and concepts
Risk assessment development CASCADE risk assessment development focusses: - firm contacts between CASCADE and other networks (CREDO; SAFEFOOD; NewS) - a network will be formed between individuals working with quantitative risk assessment research and development - a network will be formed between experts on exposure assessment
Risk assessment integration During the first period CASCADE risk assessment focusses on: - mathematical approaches to improve and develop more efficient exposure assessment methods - more detailed exposure assessment evaluations based on existing information
Spreading the excellence CASCADE will arrange: - multidisciplinary courses and educational programmes, with high quality, scientific front-line training and education.
Spreading the excellence CASCADE will function: - as an advisory panel of experts if the need arises during unexpected situations, where national, regional or European action may be required.
For more information on CASCADE's various activities, contact: CASCADE NoE, Ingemar Pongratz Department of Biosciences at NovumS HUDDINGE Sweden Tel: +46 (0) Fax: +46 (0)
For more information on CASCADE's various activities, contact: Science:Dr. Maria Bondesson Ingemar Pongratz, Prof. Jan-Åke Gustafsson, jan-
For more information on CASCADE's various activities, contact: Risk assessment:Prof. Helen Information: Dr. Pi Hoegberg Education:Dr. Johanna Zilliacus
CASCADE kick-off meeting February 2004, Torremolinos, Spain