What phase is it? Vocab Cell Division Picture ID More Vocab Random Science Stuff $ 200 $ 200$200 $ 200 $ 200 $400 $ 400$400 $ 400$400 $600 $ 600$600 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 $800 $ 800$800 $ 800 $ 800 $ 800 $ 1000$1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000
Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Category Cancer
Final Jeopardy What is the cells are dividing uncontrollably through mitosis until a tumor forms which can be malignant or benign? If it penetrates into the bloodstream, it can travel to other areas of the body and affect those tissues also. This is what cancer is on a cellular level. This is how it can spead.
$200 What is INTERPHASE ? Chromosomes are spread out as chromatin, DNA is copied, and the cell is “doing its job” S2C06 Jeopardy Review
$400 What is ANAPHASE ? Chromatids separate and move to opposite poles S2C06 Jeopardy Review
$600 What is METAPHASE ? Chromosomes line up in MIDDLE of the cell. S2C06 Jeopardy Review
$800 What is PROPHASE? chromatin scrunches into chromosomes Nuclear membrane/nucleolus disappears Spindle fibers/centrioles appear S2C06 Jeopardy Review
$1000 What is Interphase (G1, S1, and G2), Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase (Nuclear Division), and Cytokinesis (Cytoplasmic Division). List the steps of the cell cycle in order from start to finish.
$200 What are CHROMOSOMES? DNA and attached proteins that is scrunched up in the nucleus of dividing cells.
$400 What is the centromere? This holds the 2 chromatid arms together in a chromosome.
$800 What is 23? (gametes have this #) The haploid number of chromosomes in humans.
$1000 What is CYTOKINESIS? This term refers to the equal distribution of cytoplasm that occurs after M phase.
$200 What is BINARY FISSION ? Type of cell division used by bacteria to reproduce. S2C06 Jeopardy Review
$400 What is MITOSIS & cytokinesis? Type of cell division used by eukaryotes to make more cells that are identical to the starting cell. mcb/ch19anim1.mov S2C06 Jeopardy Review
$600 What is cell volume and surface area? Background Info. Background Info. When cells get too big they can’t transport enough food, oxygen, & waste across their cell membrane because _____________ increases faster than __________________. S2C06 Jeopardy Review
$800 What are mitochondria? Cell organelles that provide energy for cell division. These are the powerhouse of the cell. S2C06 Jeopardy Review
$1000 What are chromosomes ? Form of DNA seen in cells that are dividing. S2C06 Jeopardy Review
$200 What is a cleavage furrow? This pinched in place in an animal cell during cytokinesis S2C06 Jeopardy Review
$400 What is Trisomy 21 or Down’s Syndrome? The name of the disease that this human has inherited.
$600 What is ANAPHASE I? (You can tell because only one cell is present and synapsis and crossing over has occurred.) This stage of meiosis is shown in the following diagram.
$800 What is male (XY)? This karyotype shows this sex.
$1000 What is mitosis? question
$200 What is the diploid number? Humans have 46 chromosomes which is called this.
$400 What are somatic (body) cells? The type of cells that undergo mitosis.
$600 What is crossing over (synapsis)? This exchange of chromosome pieces occurs in Metaphase I of Meiosis and allows for more genetic diversity in a species.
$800 What are sister chromatids? The name of the chromosome pairs that have the exact same genetic information and are evident in prophase of mitosis.
$1000 What are homologous chromosomes? The chromosome pairs that exchange pieces with each other during prophase I of meiosis are called this.
$200 What is a plant cell? (It has a cell plate when going through cytokinesis.) This type of cell is shown in the picture.
$400 What is MEIOSIS? This process is also known as reduction division because it reduces the number of chromosomes by ½.
$600 What is asexual reproduction? This type of reproduction occurs in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and does not involve sperm or eggs.
$800 What is a prokaryotic/bacterial? This type of cell can undergo mitosis only because it reproduces asexually.
$1000 What is MITOSIS? This process takes over as soon as conception happens so that tissue differentiation, growth, and development can occur.
Daily Double What are histones? Family of proteins found in the nucleolus that allow the DNA to become more coiled and take up less volume in the nucleus of the cell.
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