Developing a Marketing Plan for the Iowa Dietetic Association November 2007
Overview What is our brand position in the marketplace? Marketing has existed for IDA Most significantly with public relations Before we commit to any health fair, redo any logo, produce any brochure. . . What is our brand position in the marketplace? What do we want our employers, colleagues who are not RDs, and customers/consumers to think of us? What do we think of our own profession?
To get us thinking. . . Survey of IDA annual meeting exhibitors Brainstormed with a graphic artist for logo designs Recommendation is a task force (working with outside stakeholders) to clearly articulate IDA’s brand position
Brand Position Brand Position: What do consumers think of when they hear or read about registered dietitians? What unique value does a registered dietitian bring? What is our key differentiation from less qualified individuals who also provide nutrition advice? Brand Target: Is it consumers? Other health professionals? Brand Promise: What is the single most important thing we should stand for? Brand Personality: How would our target describe us? Brand Association: What category of experts do we want to align ourselves with or be associated with?
Our Mission and Vision Mission of the Iowa Dietetic Association: Leading the future of dietetics. Vision: The Iowa Dietetic Association members are the most valued source of food and nutrition information.
Business Partner Interviews Very non-scientific phone survey of five of last year’s exhibitors Purpose: Measure business partners’ opinions of the image of Iowa dietitians, from the perspective of their own business and based on their perception of the average consumer’s opinion Summarize the role of dietitians within Iowa business partners’ marketing goals Gain insight on the how IDA might enhance our partners’ specific business objectives.
Survey Results Q: Why do you exhibit? RDs are key nutrition communicators to the public Update RDs with new products Support their customers/network Q: How do RDs fit into your marketing plan? Decision makers/influencers of others
Survey Results Q: What is YOUR or YOUR EMPLOYER’S opinion of Iowa RDs? Positive: Valuable resource, respected, professional Negative: Some do not project wellness, some RDs easier to work with than others Overall, positive much more strongly communicated versus a few negative comments
Survey Results What do you think the average CONSUMER thinks of RDs in Iowa? Work in hospitals Only need to know RDs if they get sick Probably don’t think of RDs at all Someone who doesn’t eat any bad foods Said HyVee RDs are probably making a positive impression about RDs (2)
Survey Results Q: Would you be willing to offer your expertise on a consumer-directed campaign to enhance the recognition and credibility of Iowa RDs? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
Conclusions Task force to define our brand Recommend including media reps and business partners, in addition to several Board members Develop a marketing plan in partnership with business partners Of course, following ADA’s policies for non-endorsements Set goals for consumer recognition and measurement Consider part of long-term financial planning