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Press the space bar to see the answer. der Berg Mountain 1 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. das Meer Lake 2 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. der See Sea 3 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Insel Island 4 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Halbinsel Peninsula 5 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Sümpfe Swamp 6 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Küste Coast 7 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. das Ufer Riverbank 8 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. das Land Country 9 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Oase Oasis 10 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. der Tal Valley 11 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. der Fluss River 12 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. der Nebenfluss Tributary River 13 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Höhle Cave 14 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Stadt City 15 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Hauptstadt Capitol 16 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. der Hügel Hill 17 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Klima Climate 18 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. der Dorf Village 19 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. das Gebirge Mountain Range 20 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Grenze Border 21 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Wiese Meadow / Field 22 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Bucht Bay 23 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Felsen Cliffs 24 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. Die Spitze Peak / Summit 25 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. der Teich Pond 26 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Richtungen Directions 27 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. der Strand Beach 28 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Ozean Ocean 29 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. der Langengrad Longitude 30 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. der Breitengrad Latitude 31 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Schlucht Canyon 32 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. der Vulkan Volcano 33 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. die Lagune Lagoon 34 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. der Wasserfall Waterfall 35 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. der Wald Forest 36 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. der Polarkreis Arctic Circle 37 Press the space bar to see the answer.
Press the space bar to see the answer. der Äquator Equator 38 Press the space bar to see the answer.