customer : contractor : December, 2012 Sociologic Research on Awareness of Industrial Property Protection Possibilities
2 methodology
3 Market and public research company “Spinter tyrimai” during the period December 7 th -18 th, 2012, carried out resident and business entity survey in Lithuania. Research objective: Evaluate the size of society aware of the industrial property protection possibilities. Survey method: For resident survey: standardized CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview). For business entities: standardized CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview). Standardized interview is carried out by professional interviewer. He/She leads the conversation with the respondent following prepared questions and marking the answers in the questionnaire. Research location: all country. TG: residents and business entities of Lithuania aged 18–75. Sample size: 1757 respondents in total: 1007 residents and 750 business entities. Sampling method: Quota sampling applying type of respondent quota, i.e. business entities combine not less than 75% of total sample. Data analysis: Data analysis was performed using SPSS/PC statistical program. Report presents general distribution (percentages) of the answers. Methodology
4 Statistical error It is impossible to entirely avoid the sampling error in any quantitative research that uses sampling; therefore, it is necessary to take it into consideration while interpreting the data. E.g., after surveying 1007, respondents, if we find out that 24,4% of respondents would register inventions, brands and industrial design to protect them, there is 95 percent probability that the real value is between 21,7% and 27,1%. The precision of the estimation is directly associated with the number of analyzed cases. The table below is helpful in estimating the statistical error. %%%%% N
55 Respondents’ Social-Demographic Characteristics (%) Residents Gender Age Income, per household member per month Occupation Marital status Education Place of residence
66 Respondents’ Social-Demographic Characteristics (%) Business entities Gender Company size Activity area Age District
7 research results
8 Awareness of inventions, brands and industrial design protection possibilities (%) Do you know / Have you heard of inventions, brands and industrial design protection possibilities? Protection possibilities of inventions, brands and industrial design are more often known by males, respondents aged 18-35, survey participants with the highest education, residents of the biggest cities and individuals from bigger companies ( employees). N=751 N=253 N=251 N=752 N=1007 N=750 Residents Business entities
9 Inventions, brands and industrial design are more likely to be registered by males, respondents with the highest education and individuals from smaller companies (11-50 employees). Intentions to register inventions, brands and industrial design (%) Would you register inventions, brands and industrial design to protect them? N=751 N=253 N=251 N=752 N=1007 N=750 Residents Business entities
10 Place to register inventions, brands and industrial design (%) If you had to register inventions, brands and industrial design, where would you turn to? Generally, more places were named by respondents with the highest income (over 1500 Lt). State Patent Bureau was more often mentioned by respondents aged 26 to 55, individuals with the highest education, residents of the biggest cities and survey participants from large companies (over 100 employees). Lithuanian Authors‘ Copyrights and Related Rights Council – by residents of smaller towns / regional centers and respondents from the sales industry. Center of Registers – by individuals aged 18-25, big city residents. Patent Attorneys – by the youngest respondents (18-25 y.o.), respondents from bigger companies ( employees). N=253 Residents Business entities N= N=752 N= N=750 N=1007 Multiple answer option; sum exceeds 100%
11 Awareness of information provided by State Patent Bureau and its public educational tools (%) Have you noticed information provided by State Patent Bureau and its public educational tools regarding the protection of inventions, brands and design? Information and public educational tools were more often noticed by males, respondents aged 46 to 55, individuals with the highest education, survey participants who have the highest income and employees of companies from the services industry. N=751 N=253 N=251 N=752 N=1007 N=750 Residents Business entities
12 Awareness of the possibility is higher among males, respondents with the highest education, individuals who have the highest income (over 1500 Lt), residents of the biggest cities, survey participants from large companies (100 employees and over) and people from the sales industry. Awareness of inventions, brands and industrial design legal protection possibilities in Europe (%) Do you know / Have you heard that there is a possibility to obtain protection of inventions, brands and industrial design in whole Europe? N=751 N=253 N=251 N=752 N=1007 N=750 Residents Business entities
13 N=751 Need for improvement in State Patent Bureau actions (%) Do the actions of State Patent Bureau need improvement? (If yes) what actions of State Patent Bureau need improvement? N=253 Provide more information29% More information in Internet, online13% Increase security and protection8%8% Reduce taxes, fees5%5% Improve work efficiency5%5% Simplify/shorten procedures4%4% Business entities Provide more information13 respondents Improve work/do not stagnate7 respondents Reduce taxes, fees5 respondents More communication, advertisement4 respondents Work faster; fix registration problems3 respondents each Reduce bureaucracy; simplify procedures; provide more information on TV 2 respondents each Increase product quality/allow young people to express themselves 1 respondent each Residents What actions of State Patent Bureau need improvement? Only the most frequent answers are presented A need for improvement was more often expressed by respondents from the sales industry. N=58 N=168 N=251 N=752 N=1007 N=750 Residents Business entities
14 Channels of information about the protection of intellectual property (%) What ways would be the most suitable to present the information about the protection of intellectual property to public? Generally, more ways to present information were named by the youngest research participants (18-25 y.o.). TV, radio programs were more often mentioned by respondents who have the highest income (over 1500 Lt). Articles in newspapers, magazines – by individuals with the highest education, respondents who have the highest income (over 1500 Lt) and big city residents. Seminars, conferences, exhibitions, lectures – by survey participants who have the highest income (over 1500 Lt). Official electronic bulletin of State Patent Bureau – respondents from bigger companies ( employees) and individuals who work in the production industry. N=253 ResidentsBusiness entities N=751 Multiple answer option; sum exceeds 100% N=752N= N=750N=1007
15 Usage of State Patent Bureau webpage databases and electronic services (%) There are no statistically significant social-demographic differences. N=752 N=251 Residents Business entities N=750 N=1007 Do you use databases of inventions, brands and design and electronic services provided in State Patent Bureau webpage?
16 summary & conclusions
17 Summary 15% of residents know about the possibilities to protect inventions, brands and industrial design. 33% have heard about it, but are not aware of any specific possibilities. Awareness among business entities remains higher – 25% know about the possibilities. The percentage of entities that are aware, yet have no specific knowledge, has increase by 8 percentage points: from 29% in 2011 to 37% in Majority of survey participants are willing to register inventions, brands and industrial design in order to protect it: 64% of residents and 66% of business entities (in comparison to 2011, “yes” has decreased from 41% to 28%; “rather yes” increased from 26% to 38%). State Patent Bureau remains the most often indicated place to register intellectual property – it was mentioned by 48% of residents and 52% of business entities. Lithuanian Authors’ Copyrights and Related Rights Council takes the second place (17% of residents and 16% of business entities). Center of Registers was mentioned by 13% of residents and 9% of business entities. Patent Attorneys of the Republic of Lithuania – by 7% of residents and business entities accordingly. Information provided by the State Patent Bureau regarding the protection of inventions, brands and design was noticed by 13% of residents and 23% of business entities.
18 Summary Possibility to obtain protection of inventions, brands or industrial design is known by 40% of residents (14% know, 26% have heard about it, but have no specific knowledge) and 52% of business entities (24% and 28% respectively). A need for improvement of actions of the State Patent Bureau was expressed by 6% of residents and 22% of business entities. Most frequent suggestion is to provide more information. TV and radio programs were most frequently mentioned as the most suitable way to present information (37% of residents). Newspaper and magazine articles were mentioned by 22% (decreased from 28%). Business entities prefer State Patent Bureau official electronic bulletin (26%). 22% (decreased from 29%) named TV, radio programs. Newspaper, journal articles (was 36% in a survey of 2011) and seminars, conferences, exhibitions, lectures were mentioned by 15% of business entities each. Larger proportion of survey participants agree that all ways to present information are suitable: 37% of residents (was 33%) and 46% of business entities (was 31%). 4% of residents and 9% of business entities use webpage databases of inventions, brands and industrial design.
19 Conclussions In comparison with the survey of 2011, the awareness and accessibility of information regarding protection possibilities (as well as legal protection possibilities in Europe) of inventions, brands and industrial design remain stable. Accordingly, there are no significant changes in intentions to register inventions, brands and industrial design in order to protect it. However, changes are present regarding desired channels of information: importance of articles in newspapers, magazines is declining, business entities are increasingly skeptical regarding TV and radio programs and prefer State Patent Bureau official electronic bulletin. On the other hand, as the stream of information and variety of information channels increases, larger proportion of respondents express the importance of using multiple information channels. In the survey this position is expressed by respondents‘ opinion that all ways to present information are good.
20 thank you