Umeå A municipality in the north of Sweden One of Sweden’s fastest growing cities. University City since people live in Umeå. Average age the population is 37. Approx children in the age 0 to 18.
Umeå Culture Centre for Children and Youth An activity owned and organised by Umeå municipal Cultural Administration.
The theatre warehouse / Drama teachers / Culture programmes & events Municipal Cultural Administration Main target groups; Children and youth Personnel within The Municipality Pre- and Compulsory School Umeå Culture Centre for Children and Youth
Teatermagasinet “The theatre warehouse” Theatre groups for children and youth A voluntary spare time activity Both in city centre and suburbs For children and youth 10 – 18 years old. An annual theatre festival
Children and youth culture programmes & events for schools and the general public Distribution of theatre, dance, music and circus. Production of plays and workshops with focus on participation and cooperation.
” Creative Saturday ” Open house for the public every Saturday No entrance-fee. Try costumes in the theatre wardrobe Role playing in the fairytale- /play room A children cultural programme Creative activities in the studio Storytelling in the fairytale tent Dance and party games Café (Children friendly prices ).
Premises Equipment Supervision/guidance Advise Support to young stage artists/groups
Drama groups For children and youth with physical and mental disorders
Prevention work using drama in vulnerable suburban areas Girl- and boy groups School Classes Immigrant integration and multi culture projects
Cutting edge projects TIE – Theatre in Education DICE – Drama Improves Competences in Education
Consulting and lending For Schools, associations and young culture groups Consulting and guidance Lending from the wardrobe Lending of props Reference library Manuscripts etc
Further training for educationalists Further training and courses in creative activities, mainly in drama subjects Supervision and guidance Competence development For personnel within the Pre- and Compulsory School and Upper Secondary School
Internal further training Further training and courses in creative activities Supervision and guidance Competence development Study visits For our drama teachers and other personnel
Competences among the personnel Acrobats, Actors, Administration personnel, Clowns, Directors, Drama teachers, Educationalists, Librarian, Musicians, Producers, Project leaders, Recreation instructors, Social worker, Visual arts artists etc 10 full time employees, another 10 working part time and some extra whenever needed
One Black Box A Storytelling room One studio The pillar room A meeting room Wardrobe Dressing room Offices Store rooms Premises Gjallarhornet in central Umeå (a temporary solution, approx. 1000m2, in two floors)
The UN convention on the Rights of the Child is the compass To work towards what is best for each child. The right to express opinions and to have them taken into account The right to freedom of expression and to receive and disseminate information The right to participate in leisure, cultural and artistic activities The right to play and to do things like sport, art, music and drama in their free time Those who have any kind of disability should have special care and support