Science 8 Project by: Griffen Reubens Cells Science 8 Project by: Griffen Reubens
The Cell The Cell is the basic unit of all living things. There are two main ideas in what cells are: the first is all living things are made of one or more cells. The second one is that new cells are only made from cells that already exists. There are 14 parts that are common in cells which I will tell you about and there are two different types of cells which you will find out in my next slide.
Differences between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Cells Prokaryotes Cells: The definition of this type of cell is a cell which the nucleus is not surrounded by a membrane. These types of cells are found in one-celled organisms such as bacteria.
Eukaryotes Cells: A eukaryotes cell is a cell that has a nucleus which is surrounded by a nuclear membrane. This type of cell is found in all normal organisms.
The Organelles of The Cell
The Nucleus Paramecium is a one-celled organism. The nucleus is the control center of every type of cell. This because it directs all of the cell’s activities. In both plant and animals the Nucleus is surrounded by a membrane. But in some one-celled organisms, such as bacteria, the nucleus is not surrounded by a membrane and these are called Prokaryotic Cell. And the other type which is, is a Eukaryotic Cell. Inside the nucleus there is something called the Chromosomes which contain the genetic information which hold the plans for all the pieces of the cell. This genetic information is usually copied and passed on to other identical cells. Paramecium is a one-celled organism.
The Cell membrane The cell membrane holds all of the pieces of the cell in place. It controls the movements of things such as nutrients and waste in and out of the cell. The cell membrane is made up of double layer of fat molecules.
The Cytoplasm The cell is mostly made up of cytoplasm a watery liquid fluid that contains everything that is inside the cell membrane and outside the nucleus. Many of the cells chemical activities take place in the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm allows the materials of the cell to be transported between structures in the cell. The cytoplasm also stores wastes until the can be disposed of.
The Vacuole Each vacuole is filled with a fluid sometimes called cell sap. It is used to store water and nutrients, such as sugar and minerals. Also used to store waste and move waste and excess water out of the cell. Plant cell vacuole’s take up more room of the cytoplasm. And the vacuole of a plant cell stores waste absorbed by the plant
The Flagellum On some animal cells they have a flagellum, or whip like tail that helps the cells move. A flagellum is not on all cells.
Cillia Special cells have cilia or tiny hairs that work together to help move a cell or the fluid around it. Like a flagellum cilia is not found on all cells.
Cell Wall The cell wall is only found in plant cells. It protects and supports the cell. Some plant have a secondary wall that provides extra supports and strength well the others just have single. Gases, water and some minerals can pass through the cell wall through small pores in the cell wall.
Chloroplasts Chloroplasts are the food factories of the cell. They contain many molecules of green chemical called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll allows plant cells to make their own food, using light from the sun, carbon dioxide, and water. Animal cells cannot do this.
Mitochondria Mitochondria are circular or rod-shaped organelles. They are often referred to as the power plants of the cells. They provide energy to cells using a process called cellular respiration. Mitochondria release energy by combining sugar molecules with oxygen molecules to form carbon dioxide and water. This energy is used in almost every function of the cell
Ribosomes Ribosomes are very small organelles. In fact their so small that they appear as small fuzzy dots even when viewed with a transmission electron microscope. Ribsomes use information that is from the nucleus and molecules from the cytoplasm to produce proteins. These proteins are needed for cell growth, repair, and reproduction.
Endoplasmic Reticulum Endoplasmic reticulum is a bunch of folded membranes. “Rough” endoplasmic reticulum has many ribosomes attached to it. “Smooth” endoplasmic reticulum has no ribsomes attached to it ad is the structure where fats are made. Both forms of endoplasmic reticulum’s carry materials through the cytoplasm.
Golgi Apparatus This structure looks like a stack of flattend balloons. This organelles stores proteins and puts them into packages called vesicles. The vesicles carry protein molecules to the surface of the cell where they are released to the outside. The proteins in these vesicles vary depend on their function.
Lysomes Lysomes are made by the golgi apparatus to patrol and clean the cytoplasm. They contain special proteins that are used to break down the large molecules into many smaller molecules that can then be used by the cell. The smaller molecules can also be reused as the starters for other large molecules. In humans and other animals, lysomes play an important role in destroying harmful substances and invading bacteria that enter the cell
That’s All the Organelles
Differences in Plant and Animal Cells
Differences are? Plant Cell: Have Chloroplast and Chlorophyll. Plant cells have a rigid wall also have a larger vacuole which is enclosed by a membrane. Also well animal cells depend on the analogous system plant cells use linking pores in their cell wall to connect and pass information. Also plant cells are classified in two three types. Animal Cell: Have smooth walls so the cell can form and adopt various shapes. They depend on an analogous system to pass information . Their are also 210 types of cells in the human body. Also in animal cells they break the sugar back down to carbon dioxide to make energy.
The End