World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO Survey on Institutional Arrangements for NMHSs and Identification of Future Priorities in RA V Survey on Institutional Arrangements for NMHSs and Identification of Future Priorities in RA V
World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO Objective: - To collect basic information about the current institutional arrangements of hydrometeorological services; - To identify the views of the RA V Members regarding the most important challenges and priorities; - To help the Management Group and Secretariat to prepare a detailed background material for the discussions during the RA V-16
WMO OMM 1.Survey Questionnaire 2.Survey Analysis 3.Executive Summary
WMO OMM Institutional Arrangements Management and Organisation Operation and Services Challenges and Priorities Survey Questionnaire
WMO OMM Survey Questionnaire: Institutional Arrangements 1.1 Exact Title of the National Meteorological or Hydrometeorological Service (NM(H)S) 1.2 Title of the parent organization 1.3 What is the legal status of the NMHS (e.g., Agency, Department, State owned enterprise, etc) 1.4 Is the NM(H)S responsible for operational hydrology 1.5 If your answer on the preceding question is "No", please provide the name of the National Hydrological Service
WMO OMM 1.6 Is the NM(H)S responsible for the provision of meteorological service for aviation (Select the appropriate answer from the list below) 1.7 In your country, is there a law, decree or other legislative act on meteorology (or hydrometeorology, or similar) 1.8 Provide the title of the primary legislative act that determines the functions of your Service 1.9 Please indicate any other regulatory framework applicable to the functions of your Service
WMO OMM 2.1 NM(H)S Staff: what is the total staff of your organization (full time equivalent) 2.2 NM(H)S Staff: number of staff with higher education degree (i.e., university or higher) 2.3 NM(H)S Staff: if available what is the average age of the staff 2.4 NM(H)S Staff trends: please indicate the trend of the staffing figures during the recent 35 years 2.5 NM(H)S Budget: what is the total budget of your organization (e.g., year ); please indicate the currency first 2.6 NM(H)S Budget: main sources of funding 2.7 NM(H)S Budget: what percentage of the budget comes from nongovernment budget Survey Questionnaire: Management and Organisation
WMO OMM 2.8 NM(H)S Budget: trends: please indicate the trend of the government component of the budget during the recent 35 years 2.9 NM(H)S Budget: alternative sources please indicate sources of funding for improving the hydrometeorological infrastructure, etc NM(H)S Areas of Responsibility -Hydrology -Climate -Air/Water quality -Meteorology -Oceanograghy
WMO OMM Survey Monkey 14
WMO OMM 10 Institutional Arrangements Survey Analysis
WMO OMM 11 One third of Members are functioning without formal legislation
WMO OMM 12 Management and Organisation Survey Analysis
WMO OMM 13 NMHS staff numbers
WMO OMM 14 Staff qualifications and age
WMO OMM 15 Staff trends in last 3-5 years
WMO OMM 16 NMHS budget
WMO OMM 17 NMHS services
WMO OMM 18 Business model of NMHSs in RA V is predominantly government or state owned.
WMO OMM 19 Almost all Members have development/strategic plan covering next 3-5 years.
WMO OMM 21 QMS Implemented (9) QMS in Aviation only (6) No Implementation of QMS (3)
WMO OMM 22 Operation and Services Survey Analysis
WMO OMM 26 Challenges and Priorities Survey Analysis
WMO OMM 29 Support to subsidiary bodies
WMO OMM 30 Reasons for not supporting subsidiary bodies
WMO OMM 31 Useful activities of subsidiary bodies
WMO OMM 32 Expected Supports from Other Members Joint/twinning projects Capacity Building Technical support on QMS Observations Upgrading facilities and capabilities Expected Supports from the Secretariat Financial and coordination support for regional events Secretariat should review its methods and working mechanisms at regional level to increase its efficiency and effectiveness Support to develop strategic plans Advice on available support options Facilitation of procurement and calibration of instruments Continued information sharing on regional activities, including capacity development programmes of external partners (EU, etc).
WMO OMM 33 Expected Outcomes from RA V-16 The expected outcomes from RA V-16 –Strengthening of regional cooperation –Preparation of an agreed strategic plan to guide the work of RA V for the next four years, including a clear articulation of a small number of high priority work areas –Plans for improving observing systems and minimizing missing data Also mentioned –More regional cooperation in the area of hydrology, expert exchange, instruments upgrade for early warning system (EWS) –Regional training needs assessment plan –Improvement of the Pacific observation network –Identification of gaps and proposed treatments –Agreement to establish on-line forums to discuss issues.
WMO OMM Executive Summary
WMO OMM Executive Summary A Survey was conducted to identify challenges and future priorities in RA V by using the SurveyMonkey platform. Analysis has been made for the Region in five categories: (a) institutional arrangements; (b) management and organization; (c) operations and services; (d) challenges and priorities; and (e) expected outcomes from RA V-16
WMO OMM Executive Summary Institutional Arrangements The most common title of NMHS in RA V is “Service” or “Agency” Thirteen Members are functioning under different primary legislative acts or orders of decree - six Members are still functioning without legal authorities Management and Organization The business model of NMHSs in RA V is predominantly government or state owned that strictly confined to the government policy, guidance and budgetary support with little freedom to do commercial activities. Almost all Members except for one Member have national development/strategic plans covering the next 3-5 years. The capacity building of staff and enhancement of operational forecasts including warning products with improved IT services are priorities of development/strategic plans.
WMO OMM Executive Summary (RA V) Operations and Services The Members are facing difficulties with: inadequacy of equipment and IT infrastructure; automation of surface observing networks; agro-meteorological observations; and upper-air observations. Challenges and Priorities The challenges in the Region identified by the survey include: lack of qualified personnel; NWP modeling capacity; observing systems; and EWS services for DRR, among others. The Members particularly identified: adequacy of NWP modeling capacity; lack of qualified personnel; and adequacy of EWS and services for DRR, as serious challenges.
WMO OMM Thank you