Earth Care & Christian Education May 2014 webinar Environmental Ministries, Presbyterian Hunger Program
Environmental Ministries, Presbyterian Hunger Program Resources Webinars Reflection/Action Trips Earth Care Congregation certification Advent, Lent, Earth Day Sunday
Children, youth, young adults, and adults of all ages… How have churches been engaging members of all ages around issues of earth care and Christian discipleship? What models have been most successful? What challenges have been surmounted? What resources can be used in other settings (rural, urban, small, large churches)?
Guest Leaders DAISY RHAU is a preschool teacher, mother of 2, and a member of the Christian Education Committee at Hunter Presbyterian Church in Lexington, KY. ERIN PRATT is the Program Director at Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light and a youth group leader and co-director of the Creative Arts and Nature Camp at St. Luke Presbyterian Church in Wayzata, MN. VICKIE MACHADO recently graduated from the University of Florida with her Masters of Arts in Religion and Nature. She is one of the leaders for Eco-Stewards Gainesville. WILLIAM SEAMAN is an environmental scientist and educator, and leader of the Earth Ministry Team of Montreat Presbyterian Church.
Hunter Presbyterian Church (KY)
Children’s Curriculum Ideas God’s Creation: Our Health, Taking Action Together Just Eating? Practicing Our Faith at the Table
Vacation Bible School Living Waters for the World atersfortheworld.or g/vbs.php Solar Under the Sun ation-bible-school/ CurricR eview.asp CurricR eview.asp operation_creation.pdf operation_creation.pdf
St. Luke Presbyterian Church (MN)
Project Homecoming (New Orleans) Appalachia Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center Goodness Grows food justice mission trips Mission Trips for youth National summer trip opportunities for Presbyterian (and other) youth!
Young Adult Eco-Stewards
Montreat Presbyterian Church (NC)
Adult education options Seasonal commitments: Lent 4.5 series Season of Creation Monthly focus in adult education (PCUSA resources, Ken Burns’ series, Northwest Institute) Wednesday evening dinner and convo Presbytery; speaking to other churches
Questions & Answers time
For more information: Links to the resources mentioned in this slideshow, and presentations from guest speakers will be available at: ries/environment/education/ ries/environment/education/
Tips for Education Environmental “education for action:” Awareness, Knowledge, Values, Action Skills, Action Celebrate successes Connect outside your own church for resources and relationships Learn and use assets (people, skills, natural world) to shape your initiative Know your audience: What is your church’s history? What do people get passionate about? How can you connect these pieces? Provide good earth care information to Christian education team Use highly skilled, passionate people to lead