To champion a lifelong commitment to brotherhood, learning, ethical leadership, and exemplary character. Phi Kappa Tau, by admitting me to membership, has conferred upon me a mark of distinction in which I take just pride. I believe in the spirit of brotherhood for which it stands. I shall strive to attain its ideals, and by so doing bring to it honor and credit. I shall be loyal to my college and my chapter, and keep strong my ties to them that I may ever retain the spirit of youth. I shall try always to discharge the obligation to others which arises from the fact that I AM A FRATERNITY MAN. – Roland Maxwell, USC ’22 STATE OF THE FRATERNITY
Learning Serving Leading
Borradaile Challenge - 14 Criteria - 3 Levels of Achievement (Maxwell, Order of the Star, Basic) - Focused on scholarship, philanthropy, service and campus involvement (Learning, Leading, Serving) STATE OF THE FRATERNITY
Programming In order to help chapters achieve the Borradaile Challenge (to provide a Quality Fraternity Experience to members), several programs & resources are designed to support chapters: * Presidents Academy * BMC Weekends * Liability Insurance & Risk Mgmt Education * Chapter Websites * The Exchange * Regional Conferences – Officer Training * Founders Month of Service * The Hole in the Wall Experience * Leadership Academy * PKT Facebook Application * BMC New Member Program * Ritual Weekends * ResponsAbility
STATE OF THE FRATERNITY Founded by actor and philanthropist Paul Newman, Ohio ‘43 Founded by actor and philanthropist Paul Newman, Ohio ‘43 Over a dozen camps worldwide, currently 5 in the US, serving children with illnesses such as sickle-cell anemia, heart disease, cancer, & asthma Over a dozen camps worldwide, currently 5 in the US, serving children with illnesses such as sickle-cell anemia, heart disease, cancer, & asthma Campers attend camp free-of-charge through financial support provided by donors (the money that you raise on campus) Campers attend camp free-of-charge through financial support provided by donors (the money that you raise on campus) Phi Kappa Tau brothers are provided travel stipends from the Phi Kappa Tau Foundation to volunteer at the Camps Phi Kappa Tau brothers are provided travel stipends from the Phi Kappa Tau Foundation to volunteer at the Camps
- Fraternity-wide Service Initiative is held annually during the month of March - Last Year in total Phi Kappa Tau completed 30,000 hours of community service (reported to the Executive Office by chapter and colony members and alumni) - Last Year in total $130,000 donated to philanthropies by chapter and colony members and alumni STATE OF THE FRATERNITY
- The goal of managing risk is to provide a healthy and safe environment for our members - The basis of the policy is the “FIPG” risk management policy which is shared by 54 national fraternities - Phi Kappa Tau CEO Steve Hartman is the current FIPG President (FIPG is the trade organization for fraternities that examines these issues) - In order to raise awareness, Phi Kappa Tau requires 4 workshops annually at each chapter (Programs include: Overview of RM Policy, Alcohol & Drugs, Fire and Health Safety, Sexual Abuse and Harassment) STATE OF THE FRATERNITY
- All of our programs are supported by the Foundation in some way – it is the best way for donors (alumni mostly) to support students -Donations can be earmarked for a specific chapter or colony (for instance, a donor can pay for registration fees and travel to the Regional Conferences and relieve that cost from students) -Grants $400,000 in scholarships & leadership education annually through housing campaigns, funding for programs, and scholarships STATE OF THE FRATERNITY
Furthering the Phi Kappa Tau Mission STATE OF THE FRATERNITY Chapters are growing – you are doing a great job of recruiting overall – average chapter size is higher over the past three years. We are also actively adding colonies: * Buffalo State (2010) * Kent State University (2010) * University of Georgia (2010) * University of North Texas (2010) * Texas A&M (presentation) * University of Colorado – Boulder (2010) * Florida Gulf Coast (2009) * Arkansas-Ft.Smith (presentation) * Ohio State University (2010) * College of Charleston (2010) * San Jose State (2009)