Engineering Materials Presented By: Brad L. Sandrock Professor CCAC-South Campus
The Learning Cycle Exploration Dialog Application
Exploration Discovery by student of basic concepts of new theory Instructor must lead and draw theory out Not high priced equipment – some examles: paper clips, file, paper punch, wire, marshmallow,
Dialog What used to represent the lecture for a course I use a flip chart, overhead, video clip, occasionally power point presentation Lots of discussion Not held in traditional lecture setting
Application: Just as implied - it is the application of the exploration and the developed theory Brings concepts together Still is very “hands on” Much like the traditional lab activity
Comments from Students; “…method teaches you problem solving skills…you work side by side in a team environment…this is the way that it works in the real world.”
Comments from Students (2); “…the method combines theory with experimental work…it gives an in-depth understanding of the course…the course was more appreciated, exciting and worthwhile.”
Comments from Students (3); “I enjoy the hands on activities. The exploration approach was used in hardness testing…I feel that this approach was an effective way of introducing a new topic.”
Module #1: Physical Properties Physical Properties Color Density Chemical properties Electrical Properties Thermal Properties
Module #1: Physical Properties (2) Mechanical Properties A. Hooke’s Law B. Elasticity C. Brittle and Ductile Materials D. Compression Testing E. Shear Testing F. Torsion Testing
Module #1: Physical Propeties (3) Mechanical Properties (Cont.) G. Impact Testing H. Hardness Testing I. Fatigue Testing J. Creep Testing
Module #2:Material Structures A. Atomic Structure B. Atomic Bonding C. Crystalline Structure of Metals D. Metallic Grains
Module #3: Types of Engineering Materials A. Metals Ferrous Metals Non-Ferrous Metals B. Non-Metals Plastics Polymers Ceramics Composites
Module #4: Heat Treatment A. Equilibrium Diagrams B. Heat Treatment Heat-Quench-Temper A. Metallography B. Transformation Diagrams