Welcome to Gator Juice V
Timeline October 1Club Kickoff and Captain’s meeting October 8 Sales Report 1 October 15Sales Report 2 October 22Sales Report 3 October 29Sales Report 4 November 5Final Sales Report November 12Place Order with Riversweet December 4Fruit Arrives December 5Members pick up Fruit at Channel One December 10Final Report to Club December 17Gator Juice V Charity Presentations
Steering Committee Dan Havens - Chair Dave Blegen - Sales Manager Bruce Gudlin, Gary Brun - Distribution Bernie Ring - Accountant Keith Meade - Webmaster Roger Thompson - Grant Chair
Grant Recipients $3,000 ~ Ronald McDonald House – to purchase five computers for their new computer lab, to be used by the families staying at the house $3,000 ~ Y Mentors Program, Rochester Area Family Y – to support activities, classes, tutoring, and sports registrations for participating youth $3,000 ~ STRIVE – a Rotary mentorship program that provides scholarships and financial assistance for five John Marshall students with the greatest improvement in their GPAs during their senior year $2,000 ~ Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship Fund – to offset the costs for an out-bound exchange student going to another country for a year of study abroad $1,500 ~ Rotary International – an international humanitarian project yet to be determined $1,500 ~ Camp Amanda – to pay “camper fees” for up to five young people to attend a grief camp sponsored by the Minnesota Funeral Directors Association $1,000 ~ Lourdes High School – in appreciation of the tuition-free educational experience they provide for Rotary exchange students
Citrus Peelers Becker, Mike Anderson, Michelle Blegen, Dave Carlson, Fred Hedger, Dick Kinsey, Larry Nash, Dan Randall, Randy Smith, Michael Tasler, Sheryl Wilson, Cheryl Progress to Goal: $233553%
Fruit Busters Eadie, Gail Anderson, Chad Boyer, Ken Cheney, Ben Herring, Chad Kraft, Bob Nelson, Dan Rea, Ron Smith, Mike Thompson, Roger Wood, Joyce Progress to Goal: $ %
Fruit Smoothies Fogarty, Tracey Anderson, Carl Boyer, Shona Dion, Henry Hess, Holly Larson, Steve Nesset, David Ring, Bernie Smith, Janelle Tointon, Bill Worthington, Bill Progress to Goal: $ %
Fuzzy Navels Heithoff, Dina Armstrong, Christine Brossart, Gerry Doyle, John Hoag, Jan Leimer, John Oehler, BIll Ring, Roger Smoley, Brad Tschida, Melanie Youmans, Jay Progress to Goal: $ %
Grapefruit Juicers Kelly, Dan Arnold, John Brueck, Bill Drewry, Sara Jacobson, Tom MacCarty, Gretchen Paxton, Dave Rings, Penny Sorensen, Steve Van Straaten, Jack Progress to Goal: $ %
Grapefruit Squeeze Kelly, Denise Bagne, Scott Brun, Gary Ellingson, Gene Johnson, Tom Mattke, Peg Perry, Jerry Roberts, Don Stapek, Mary Vold, Rob Progress to Goal: $293282%
Orange Crush Lenton, Rory Beck, Jay Buller, Bruce Ferguson, Tom Jones, Dwight McCoy, Vince Phillips, David Rohlfing, Dale Stoor, Susan Volkmar, Bill Progress to Goal: $ %
Pulp Non-Fiction Schleusner, DeAnna Benson, Charlie Byland, Teresa Gudlin, Bruce Kelly, Tim Melin, Tim Pompeian, Ed Rose, Stephen Sullivan, Bill Wightman, Ron Progress to Goal: $ %
Tangelo Tangles Woodhouse, Jason Berg, Chris Canfield, Chuck Havens, Dan Kietzmann, Don Mitchell, John Rainville, John Skattum, Jeanne Swanson, Bruce Wilson, George Progress to Goal: $ %
Reporting Account Name: 1st initial last name (example: dblegen) Password: Gator5 Click team name, then click “Enter My Sales” (Yes, it’s that easy!)
Team Member’s Responsibility Sell Fruit Report Weekly Collect Money and Balance to Orders Report Sales (Boxes and $) to Web Site and Captain Turn in Money and Assure it Balances with Customer Orders Retain Master Sales Sheet for Pick Up and Delivery
Gator Juice V Goal The Project: Rotary Fundraising project to support both Community and International Needs The Project: Every Members Sells!!!! The Project: Sell Fruit from Riversweet Citrus, Largo Florida SELL!!!To Friends! Neighbors! Business Associates! Relatives and Family! Strangers?? SELL!!!Make a list! Roam the Neighborhood! Use ! Remember those that have sold to you! Treat Your Clients! Reward your Employees! SELL!!!Grapefruit, Oranges, Tangelos, Pineapples!! SELL!!!Have Some Fun. Help the Club The Project:Teamwork!! Competition!! Enthusiam!! Fun!!
Gator Juice V Goal $15,000 for our projects