Miss Hoeft Room 122
About Me About Me Miss Hoeft Miss Hoeft ext ext
Class Information A.Textbooks / Instructional Materials: A.Textbooks / Instructional Materials: Psychology an Introduction by Morris and Maisto, handouts, in-class texts, videos, and in-class presentations will be the primary instructional materials for this course. Psychology an Introduction by Morris and Maisto, handouts, in-class texts, videos, and in-class presentations will be the primary instructional materials for this course. B. Course Overview: B. Course Overview: This is a survey course in psychology that examines the various approaches to the science of psychology. Students will explore the biological basis of behavior, sensation and perception, states of consciousness, personality, multiple intelligences, and a brief look at psychological disorders. This is a survey course in psychology that examines the various approaches to the science of psychology. Students will explore the biological basis of behavior, sensation and perception, states of consciousness, personality, multiple intelligences, and a brief look at psychological disorders.
Attendance Attendance will be handled according to the MPHS Student Handbook. Attendance will be handled according to the MPHS Student Handbook. Attendance is vitally important for understanding class material. Many in class experiences are impossible to recreate and are therefore lost to the absentee. Attendance is vitally important for understanding class material. Many in class experiences are impossible to recreate and are therefore lost to the absentee. Obtaining assignments missed, due to an excused absence, is the students responsibility!! Obtaining assignments missed, due to an excused absence, is the students responsibility!! Life Lesson - ? Life Lesson - ?
Grades A total points system will be used to determine letter grades for each marking period. These points will be derived from daily assignments, class participation, projects, quizzes, and tests.
Grades are determined as follows: Student Points Total Points = % = Letter Grade Earned Available 93% - 100%=A 90% - 92%=A- 87% - 89%=B+ 83% - 86%=B 80% - 82%=B- 77% - 79%=C+ 73% - 76%=C 70% - 72%=C- 67% - 69%=D+ 63% - 66%=D 60% - 62% =D- below 60% =F
Trimester Grade The final grade will be determined by total points also. When utilizing the total points system there is a big difference between a 58% and a 20%. This policy benefits those who make an effort. The final grade will be determined by total points also. When utilizing the total points system there is a big difference between a 58% and a 20%. This policy benefits those who make an effort. Trimester grades are weighted as follows: Trimester grades are weighted as follows: Mid-Term (1 st 6 weeks) = 3/7 (43%) Mid-Term (1 st 6 weeks) = 3/7 (43%) Final grade (2 nd 6 weeks) = 3/7 th (43%) Final grade (2 nd 6 weeks) = 3/7 th (43%) Final exam = 1/7th (14%) Final exam = 1/7th (14%)
The Way It Is Students are expected to be on time for class. Students are expected to be on time for class. Students who are late will lose one point of their class participation points for the day. Students who are late will lose one point of their class participation points for the day. Participation points = 2 per day. Participation points = 2 per day. Excessive Tardiness results in detentions etc. Excessive Tardiness results in detentions etc. Life Lesson - ? Life Lesson - ?
Way It Is Students should remain seated until the class is dismissed by the teacher. All assignments are expected on time. Late homework/assignments will not be accepted unless prior arrangements have been made with the teacher. In the case of an unusual or emergency situation it is the students responsibility to make arrangements for late work to be turned in.
Plagiarism or cheating of any nature will not be tolerated! This includes copying a classmates paper or homework, cutting/pasting from the Internet, lack of proper documentation, and any form of cheating on a test. Plagiarism or cheating of any nature will not be tolerated! This includes copying a classmates paper or homework, cutting/pasting from the Internet, lack of proper documentation, and any form of cheating on a test. If a student is caught copying the work of a classmate, BOTH students will receive a zero for that assignment. In addition to failing the assignment, parents and administration will be notified. If a student is caught copying the work of a classmate, BOTH students will receive a zero for that assignment. In addition to failing the assignment, parents and administration will be notified.
Way It Is Cell Phones must be turned off and placed on the student desk. Cell Phones must be turned off and placed on the student desk. Any other situation will result in confiscation of the cell phone, which will then be taken to the AP office. Any other situation will result in confiscation of the cell phone, which will then be taken to the AP office.
Way It Is Plagiarism or cheating of any nature will not be tolerated! Plagiarism or cheating of any nature will not be tolerated! This includes copying a classmates paper or homework, cutting/pasting from the Internet, lack of proper documentation, and any form of cheating on a test. This includes copying a classmates paper or homework, cutting/pasting from the Internet, lack of proper documentation, and any form of cheating on a test. If a student is caught copying the work of a classmate, BOTH students will receive a zero for that assignment. If a student is caught copying the work of a classmate, BOTH students will receive a zero for that assignment. In addition to failing the assignment, parents and administration will be notified. In addition to failing the assignment, parents and administration will be notified.
The Way It Is Respect is the key to success!! Respect is the key to success!! Respect Yourself - if you have self respect then all else will fall into place. Respect Yourself - if you have self respect then all else will fall into place. Respect Others - all students and adults deserve to be treated with respect. Respect Others - all students and adults deserve to be treated with respect. Respect Property - no vandalism, keep our environment neat and clean. Respect Property - no vandalism, keep our environment neat and clean.
Way It Is No Sleeping! No Sleeping! Sleeping results in losing participation points for the day. Sleeping results in losing participation points for the day.
Way It Is Bring required materials to class every day. Most things will remain in class folders in the classroom, but bring anything else you might need. Bring required materials to class every day. Most things will remain in class folders in the classroom, but bring anything else you might need. You will not be permitted to leave the room after the start of class to get these materials. You will not be permitted to leave the room after the start of class to get these materials.
Way It Is No food or beverages (except water) are allowed in class. No food or beverages (except water) are allowed in class. Why? Why?
Way It Is Use of hall pass is very limited, take care of personal business between classes. Use of hall pass is very limited, take care of personal business between classes.
Way It Is No Swearing or Cursing. (this includes gestures) No Swearing or Cursing. (this includes gestures) No Derogatory Statements No Derogatory Statements Hoeft’s Banned Words Hoeft’s Banned Words N Word N Word G Word G Word R Word R Word F Word F Word YouTube - Soeren Palumbo Fremd HS Speech 2/28/07 YouTube - Soeren Palumbo Fremd HS Speech 2/28/07
Way It Is All school rules as posted in the MPHS Student Handbook. All school rules as posted in the MPHS Student Handbook.
First Points Sign form Sign form Have parent/guardian sign form Have parent/guardian sign form Return for 10 points Return for 10 points I generally do not offer extra credit so take the easy points when you can get them. I generally do not offer extra credit so take the easy points when you can get them.