Welcome to 5 th Grade!
S OCIAL S TUDIES This subject is taught by Mrs. Bomberger.
S CIENCE This subject is taught by Mrs. Gyomber.
HEALTH This subject is taught by Mr. White.
L ANGUAGE A RTS & M ATH Your child will have their homeroom teacher.
O UR S CHEDULE 8:40-9:00 Homeroom 9:00-9:40 Specials 9:40-11:55 Language Arts 11:55-12:25 Lunch 12:25-12:40 Recess 1:00-2:10 Math 2:10-2:50 Science/Social Studies/Health 2:50-2:55 Homeroom 2:55 Dismissal
S PECIALS Day 1: PSSA Math (Mr. Innes) Day 2: Art Day 3: Library/Music Day 4: Gym Day 5: PSSA Reading Day 6: Library Book Exchange **Band is on Day 1 **Chorus is on Day 3 **Gifted is on Day 4 with Mrs. Kortright
P ROCEDURES Test folders will be sent home every week with important papers along with graded papers. Please leave graded papers in the folders. These will be saved until the end of the marking period.
HOMEWORK In 5 th grade the teacher no longer signs planners unless it is part of an IEP plan or a student is continuing to struggle with homework completion. This helps to teach the students responsibility. Some students prefer to use their computers to keep track of their homework. You will be notified if your child continues to forget their homework. This will either be a note, , or phone call home. Once a student has shown that they continue to forget homework, then the teacher and parent will be required to sign the planner each night until the student is able to do their homework without being reminded.
H OMEWORK H OW CAN YOU HELP ? Check your child’s planner each night. Help your child practice study guides, flashcards, and spelling words. Check their homework and help your child if necessary.
R ULES & EXPECTATIONS Please review the VIKES Behavior Plan in the folder going home with you today. Good behavior rewards will be happening again at the end of every month.
C OMMUNICATION The fastest way to reach me is by . You can also send in notes or call the school ext 3135
D RESS CODE Please review with your child page 9 in the Student Handbook going home with you tonight.
S IGNED PAPERS Please take your child’s folder with their name on it this evening. I have provided you with all of the papers needed to be signed.
A TTENDANCE School begins at 8:40am. It is very important that your child is here every day. Please call the school to report your child’s absence each day they are out and send a note within 3 days when students return. If your child is not in school, we do collect all homework. Please let us know if it should go home with another student or if you will be picking it up in the office after school.
LAPTOP 5th grade will be getting laptops. There are handouts and papers to read over with your child before the first day of school. They are in the folder you are taking with you tonight. The students will be able to take home their laptop, but it is still the property of the school. Students will be receiving a school address. Students will be encouraged to do online homework. If you don’t have internet access at home, the students will be instructed to print out the homework before they leave, or if it is an online activity like watching a video, then they can complete it when they first arrive in the morning. Completing online homework at school will only be allowed if I receive a note, , or phone call from a parent.
POWERSCHOOL All grades will be located on Powerschool Parent There is a link on the Northern Lebanon website Please stop by or call the school office to let the secretary know if you don’t have a username and password.
P SSA ’ S Your child will be taking the math, reading, and writing PSSA tests this year. These tests are very important and the data is used to help guide our instruction each year. PSSA Language Arts –April PSSA Math – April 20-24
H ELPING IN THE CLASSROOM Please pick up a volunteer form if you would like to help out. You can come in to volunteer or volunteer from home.
W HAT DOES MY CHILD NEED THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Please pick up a first day of school reminder. They will need: A 3 ring binder with dividers Book bag A Journal Pencil pocket for binder Ear buds for laptop 4 dry erase markers
D ONATED ITEMS Please take a moment to look over the items we would love to have donated for the classroom. You will find this poster on the way out of the classroom on the door.