Ian Reeves
Assessment 80 per cent project 20 per cent exam
Project A piece of journalism that uses digital tools to tell its story in an engaging and compelling way No rules on length, style or subject matter – but you will need to pitch to me first, and specify your target audience You will also do a short 5-minute presentation to the group once your pitch has been approved, setting out your aims Marks awarded for quality of journalism, audience engagement, effectiveness of storytelling, innovation, and use of the medium Deadline: Friday 10 April 2015 – last day of spring term
Exam Two hour exam in summer term, testing your understanding of the digital tools and techniques being used by journalism organisations Their impact on the industry The considerations for journalists using them Academic research into some of the techniques being used
Areas of investigation Linear and non-linear narrative structures Static and dynamic structures Data scraping Data visualisation Mapping Crowdsourcing Social media Games ‘Live’ journalism Reaching mobile audiences – tablets and smartphone content
Examples and ideas Wikileak Iraq death map iraq-deaths-map Good magazine, kinetic typography – cost of Iraq war News21’s talking bar chart Out my window: 360 o documentary
Examples and ideas New York Times interactive: you fix the budget graphic.html Cody’s Rescue: quick-cut video storytelling Guardian pledge tracker tracker
Examples and ideas France24 iPad documentary in-congo/id ?mt=8 in-congo/id ?mt=8 Wall Street Journal: Death toll in Afghanistan COUNT.html Bloomberg: Google’s tax cutting strategy terminal.html
Examples and ideas Washington Post: A Facebook Story mothers-joy-familys-sorrow.html Facebook: Afghans in the City of Asterix group.php?gid= &v=wall Tubestrike crowdmap Wall St Journal interactive graph build-a-technology-empire/
Examples and ideas BBC road deaths – interactive feature World Trade Center Stories The Marlboro Marine – LA Times marlboromarine-html,0, htmlstory marlboromarine-html,0, htmlstory
Examples and ideas Symbolia iPad magazine: magazine/id ?ls=1&mt=8 magazine/id ?ls=1&mt=8 Election results on Prezi: results- prezi/?utm_source=em0nl0elec&utm_mediu m= &utm_campaign=gro results- prezi/?utm_source=em0nl0elec&utm_mediu m= &utm_campaign=gro
Examples and ideas Fast Company: Journalism as live performance ve-conversations/detroiters-on-how-to- make-it-in-detroit ve-conversations/detroiters-on-how-to- make-it-in-detroit Guardian: NSA files decoded ardian_elevating_multimedia_storytelling_p ardian_elevating_multimedia_storytelling_p
Examples and ideas World Press Photo interactive winners -gallery/2013-multimedia-contest -gallery/2013-multimedia-contest Firestorm – The Guardian ve/2013/may/26/firestorm-bushfire-dunalley- holmes-family ve/2013/may/26/firestorm-bushfire-dunalley- holmes-family Planet Money makes a T-shirt – NPR
Examples and ideas Serial podcast serial.podcast.org serial.podcast.org Cyber athletes online documentary Interactvie video: how is IS funded? east east