By Heather White And Ivey Carey Eugenia Porter Rayzor Elementary August 2009 Art and Library A Collaborative Piece
None of us is as smart as all of us. Ken B. Blanchard
Art Collaborate Why the Art teacher and Librarian Collaborate? *To maximize student learning through curriculum integration *A focus on student learning *PLC focus on student learning
The Collaborative Model Student Success
How do we accomplish integrating the curriculum through collaboration? Survey the teachers Review scope and sequence Good Public Relations
Here’s our planning process! Preconference Conference Evaluation
Central Theme: Folktales
TEKS 2. C Art Invent ways to produce art works and to explore photographic imagery, using a variety of art media and materials
7. A Use software programs with audio, video, and graphics to enhance learning experiences 7.B Use appropriate software to express ideas and solve problems including the use of word processing, graphics, databases, spreadsheets, simulations, and multimedia 16. A Writing/Literary Texts. Students write imaginative stories that build the plot to a climax and contain details about the characters and setting TEKS CONTINUED
Library Process-Students will... Identify different types of folktales Read and discuss a variety of folktales Access folktale resources compiled by librarian Discuss components of a story web Be assisted by librarian with the process for importing images into frame by frame story outline
Classroom Process-Students will… Using the story web, write a fractured fairy tale
Art Process- Students will... Create a collage that serves as an illustration for their story Photograph images using a digital camera- relate to cell animation Import and sequence the narrative in a story board form Record the narrative
Narration Slide#_________1_______ Custom Motion: Start on _________________________________ Circle one: Zoom in Zoom out Pan _______________ ( Direction) End on____________________________
Support Materials Rubric Story web Frame by frame narrative form Self- evaluation 7 elements of digital storytelling Photo Storytelling Process instructions Free image resources and hotlist Student examples
Variations Model Magic folk figures Collagraph (card board) prints
Model Magic
Background information Locate resources Write - first draft Edit Create collage Photograph Record photo story Share/ evaluate Review of the Process
Other possibilities PowerPoint- Texas Heroes, Texas wildflowers Publisher- Vacation brochures Handmade books Puppets Perspective drawing- history of Quaker Park and Oak/Hickory historic district Dr. Seuss characters
Handmade Books
Lines, Angles, Shapes, and Forms
Dr. Seuss Taxidermy Heads
More Possibilities Haiku/ Cinquain with sumi-e painting Phrase/ story segment illustrations Main idea and supporting details Compile I spy alphabet and numeric searches using art images Create cultural, style and time line games with small art images
Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success: Henry Ford”