Game Project for CS4213 Sem 1, 2004/05
Heaven & Earth Inc (Aug-Nov 04) Team Members: Steven Halim –Nov 2004: 1 st year Postgrad –Mid 2006 : PhD SoC, NUS Jefry Tedjokusumo –Nov 2004 : 1 st year Postgrad –Mid 2006 : Research ECE, NUS Lucas Agussurja –Nov 2004 : Final year Undergrad –Mid 2006 : Research TLI-AP, NUS Fabianus Mulawadi –Nov 2004 : Final year Undergrad –Mid 2006 : Working outside NUS
Tale of Time: Summary First Person Shooter Engaging storyline in beautifully rendered levels Built using: –Microsoft Visual C#.NET 2003 –True Vision 3D Game Engine (
Character: Mark Our main hero His girlfriend, Ivy, died His quest: find Talking Cock to reverse time
Character: Minotaur The Big Boss Guards the Talking Cock Hard to defeat Mark must find power ups: Tiger Balm
Character: One-Eyed Monster Guards the Temple Maze Tiger Balm is somewhere inside
Let’s see the game Full demo in God Mode Enjoy the story
“Technical” Overview Storyboard Level Design Character Design Sound / Music Game Engine Game AI Aesthetic: Particle System
Storytelling via Cut Scenes Good Game Good Story –Scripts + –Background pictures + –Voice recording LOAD NEXT SCENE cutscenes\\03_talking_cock.bmp After hesitating for a while, Mark decided to use the Talking Cock. He bowed to the Talking Cock and changed into a Minotaur. LOAD NEXT SCENE cutscenes\\12_guardian.bmp Time was reversed and Ivy was alive and well again. Of course, she did not remember anything about Mark...
Level Design (Island / Outdoor) Height Maps + Sky Box + Billboards
Level Design (Temple / Indoor) Script + Texture Mapping + Mini Puzzle
Character Design: 3D Models Source: TV3D Engine SDK Free 3D models (e.g. Half Life SDK) Credits to the respective authors
Sound / Music Shot Monster Roar Opening MIDI –Chrono Trigger (Super Nintendo 1995) Credits to the respective authors
Game Engine: Collision Detection We are not allowed to use Game Engine’s default Collision Detection
Collision Detection (CD) We implemented: –2-levels Bounding Sphere –Line-Sphere CD –Static Collision checks against: Trees Walls Monsters
Minotaur’s AI We implemented: Way markers Talking Cock
Minotaur’s AI We implemented: Simple Finite State Machine IdlePatrol Attack “See” Mark?Lost sight of Mark… Nothing happens
Aesthetic: Particle System A simple but effective technique to create: –“Energy Shield” –“Invisible Barriers” –“Glowing Objects”
Let’s see the game (again) Technical demo (with Debug mode ON)
Behind the Scenes Why there exists fog inside the temple? Why the temple vanishes after you exit from it? –It was game engine (3 rd party) bugs that we hide… –But hey…you didn’t notice this, right? Maybe the games that you play now looks like what you see because: –The developer hide something behind it… –Or because they don’t have time to implement more than what you see…
The Impact of this Game Project for us None of us works in game industry now, but… –We can now appreciate or even criticize how the games out there are created –We still enjoy playing games
Q & A Thank you for your attention! Time for Q&A Tale of Time can be downloaded for free at:free