Science Summer Symposium Biology Day A Department of Mathematics and Science
Session Outcomes Participants will be able to: –Pull data for all interim assessments –Analyze the data from the interim assessments to drive the instruction –Plan a differentiated instruction lesson plan based on the interim assessment data Department of Mathematics and Science
Summer Science Symposium Guidelines Symposium Schedule: –8:30 AM – 3:30 PM (no late arrivals, no early dismissal) –Lunch: 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM Stipend and Master Plan points requirements: –100% attendance for all three days and turn in follow-up –Signature required in the morning and afternoon –Charter school teachers must contact their school administration for stipend –Part time, hourly, 3100, 3110, and other non-full time teachers are not eligible for stipend and MPPs Daily Reflection and Follow up assignment –Handout of Modeling activity presented by group with questioning strategies and product expectation Department of Mathematics and Science 3
Norms M ake sure to be kind to the presenters and give them your full attention, and please be on time D on’t be afraid to ask and share, we are all life- long learners C are for your profession and be kind to others P lease remember we are guests at Miami SHS S ilence your cell phones and turn off your gaming devices Department of Mathematics and Science
Agenda (Using Data in Biology) Edusoft –Logging in –Pulling data –Performance band reports –Custom reports Exporting data to excel –Excel –Color coding data Data driven differentiated instruction –Using performance band reports –Using excel data to drive individual and whole group instruction –Data chats w/students Differentiated instruction: Student choice –Cells Tic-Tac-Toe Department of Mathematics and Science
Science Summer Symposium – Biology July 9-11 and July Miami Senior High School Facilitator: Jason Jackson Session: Using Data in Biology to Drive Instruction and Target Benchmarks
Goals Be able to pull data from Edusoft to analyze student performance on IA’s and other tests. Use the data collected to differentiate instruction to improve student performance
Performance Bands 1 2
Using the Performance Band Report Overall average by class and group Question group breakdown Breaks down each question by benchmark Individual question performance by class or group. Highlights lowest scored questions Can be used for question analysis. Development of test taking skills.
Custom Reports 1 2
Report Builder
Report Builder cont
Creating and naming new excel sheets 1 Create new sheets Rename sheets
Filtering Data Click on row 12 to highlight Click on sort and filter. Then select filter Click in dropdown arrow next to period. Select sort A to Z 1 2 3
Sorting Data by Period Click on drop down arrow. Select one period. Hit ok Highlight all students, benchmarks, and data. Copy data and then paste in new excel sheet 1 2
Coloring Coding Data Highlight just the data Click on conditional formatting. Select: 1 2
Highlight Cell Rules: Greater Than Type in 59% Select custom format fill green color. Hit OK Highlight cell rules Greater than 1 2 3
Highlight Cell Rules: Less Than Type in 50% Select custom format fill red color. Hit OK Highlight cell rules Less than 1 2 3
Highlight Cell Rules: Between Type in 50% Select custom format fill yellow color. Hit OK Highlight cell rules Between 1 2 3
Using the Custom Report Identify the strongest and weakest benchmarks for each class and group. Identify students that showing weakness across the board. Data chats/Contracts with each student.
Lunch time….
Differentiated instruction is creating a classroom where teachers respond to differences in learning styles and different levels of prior knowledge of students. It give students options and flexibility that promotes constant learning and keeps students engaged. What is DI?
Data Driven DI Data driven differentiated instruction. –Remediation of problem benchmarks Bell ringers Review and Exit Slips Home learning Student grouping –Using data to determine prior knowledge IA’s as pre assessment Student grouping
DI by student choice Differentiated instruction by student choice: –Creating assignments and assessments that gives students a choice or range of options that allow them to chose what they want to do. –Think-Tac-Toes
Think-Tac-Toe 1 Gizmo: Cell Structure Plant vs. Animal 2 A plant and an animal cell are running against each other in an election. Describe where they agree and where they disagree. 3 Judge why a plant or animal cell is better 4 Create a brochure comparing a plant and animal cell describing the unique characteristics of each. 5 Cell Theory & Timeline 6 Flow Chart: Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes Vocabulary: (Given) 7 Cell Model Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes *Short essay describing similarities & differences 8 Song/Poem Create a song/poem using Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes cells and their parts. 9 Company Protein Synthesis INC is upgrading its old prokaryotic facilities to new eukaryotic ones. Describe the changes that have occurred
Exit Slip What items in the professional development session were useful to your instructional practice? What information would you like to see in future professional development? How could this professional development be modified to address your specific needs? Additional question(s) or comment(s) Please leave your reflections on the table Department of Mathematics and Science
Science Department Dr. Ava Rosales, Executive Director ElementaryMiddle SchoolHigh School Dr. Millard Lightburn District Supervisor Yoly McCarthy, Instructional Supervisor Mr. Sebastian Oddone, District Supervisor Ms. Mary Tweedy, Curriculum Support Specialist Mr. Kirk Nieveen, Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Keisha Kidd, Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Mildred Farber District Administrative Assistant Phone:
SAVE the Date: October , 2013 Florida Association of Science Teachers Conference 2013 DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Miami Airport Convention Center October 24-26, 2013 Join the magical experience of learning new science curriculum and methods while gaining new resources and skills that will spark magic in your teaching. Go to Presenters Needed The presenter application is available at:
Thank you!