Table 1. Percent distribution of active physicians in patient care by specialty, 2007 SpecialtyPercent Internal medicine20.1 Family medicine/general practice12.4 Pediatrics9.6 Obstetrics and gynecology5.6 Anesthesiology5.5 Psychiatry5.2 General Surgery5.0 Emergency Medicine4.1 SOURCE: American Medical Association, 2009 Physician Characteristic and Distribution in the US.
"Millions more people each year are seeking emergency care, but emergency departments are continuing to close, often because so much care goes uncompensated, which is the real economic issue in emergency medicine today," said Dr. Linda Lawrence, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians. "This report is very troubling, because it shows that care is being delayed for everyone, including people in pain and with heart attacks. As policymakers debate proposals to reform the health care system, which focus on early treatment and prevention, it’s essential to remember that none of those reforms will be achieved for years to come. In the meantime, emergency departments are providing a health care safety net for everyone. That’s why any efforts to reform health care must include resources to strengthen the nation’s ERs, which are a critical, often life or death, part of our health care system." "Millions more people each year are seeking emergency care, but emergency departments are continuing to close, often because so much care goes uncompensated, which is the real economic issue in emergency medicine today," said Dr. Linda Lawrence, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians. "This report is very troubling, because it shows that care is being delayed for everyone, including people in pain and with heart attacks. As policymakers debate proposals to reform the health care system, which focus on early treatment and prevention, it’s essential to remember that none of those reforms will be achieved for years to come. In the meantime, emergency departments are providing a health care safety net for everyone. That’s why any efforts to reform health care must include resources to strengthen the nation’s ERs, which are a critical, often life or death, part of our health care system."
Component% of grade EMed Module Exam60% Groups10% ACLS10% Semester Final20% TOTAL100%