From Florida District6950 Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar to Panama Bram Fiebelkorn
The Rotary Amassadorial Scholarship Since ,000 scholarships 800 each year Worth more than $500,000,000 The Foundation of Rotary International
What does an Ambassadorial Scholar do? 1.Education 2.Philanthropy 3.Promotion
What does an Ambassadorial Scholar do? Education Philanthropy Promotion
What an ambassador!
Paul Harris Fellows?
Kuna Yala Indians
Embera Indians
Sudan – Scholar Dan Stonesca starts Refugee camps Scotland – Programs for underprivileged youth Panama Ghana – Scholar Benjamin Thomas raises $75 K for children’s hospital
Generous contributions from Rotarians worldwide represent continued faith that the students who are Ambassadorial Scholars today will be tomorrow's community and world leaders.
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, all foes to real understanding. Likewise, tolerance, or broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in our little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” - Mark Twain
Thank you!!!