ESS-VIP ICT Project ESSnet Workshop, Rome, 3-4 December 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

ESS-VIP ICT Project ESSnet Workshop, Rome, 3-4 December 2012

Scope and Business Case of the ICT Project Annual Surveys on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in enterprises and by individuals ICT Project will tackle both (enterprise and household) surveys and their respective production and dissemination processes In a narrow sense, the purpose of ICT is to reengineer the production and dissemination processes of ICT statistics In a broader sense, ICT should generalise the proposed solutions to establish a generic approach to statistical data production and at ESS level

Expected Benefits More Integrated System: towards a distributed ESS Data Warehouse and common model for data exchange Industrialisation of the production and dissemination process Based on Standards Intelligent formats Better synchronisation between national and European level Synergies within Eurostat and the ESS Shared services Faster Dissemination of European Statistics

Reuse of SDMX-Reference Infrastructure SDMX Reference Infrastructure Statistical Organisation SDMX Reference Infrastructure Statistical Organisation

ICT: Step by step approach – Phase I (2013) Detailed analysis and documentation of the processes using a BPM tool (ARIS) Consider only DISSEMINATION of aggregate data from Enterprise survey Carry out a methodological study to reflect on data models, data transmission, processing and data confidentiality of aggregate and micro-data Set up a prototype to test the three different SDMX transmission modes

ICT: Phase II Phase II –The overall output of this phase (T+2 = 2014) would be a prototype for a production system of ICT statistics based on aggregate data, which transposes data processing steps performed at Eurostat level to the shared service based infrastructure. –Methodological guidelines for generalisation of the approach to similar processes. –Analysis and methodological work would precede any implementation work beyond the ICT pilot.

ICT: Phases III and IV Phase III –At the end of this phase (T+3 years = 2015), a new production system for the Enterprise survey will be in production. Phase IV –At the end of this phase (T+5 years = 2017), a full production system for the Enterprise and household surveys fully SDMX compliant will be in production. –As for the previous phases, the experience of the use case would allow the creation of methodological guidelines for the generalisation of the approach.

Approach Re-use of SDMX-RI Infrastructure already installed in NSIs Participation of a limited number of NSIs in phases I + II Input from other ESS-VIPs Possible Support during phase III ESSnets during phase IV Presentations and Discussions at different levels Information Society Working Group Business, IT, Methodology Directors' Groups Embedded into ESS VIPs

Conclusion This project has a medium/long term perspective. The project will build on developments that were made in the context of the Census Hub and reuse an infrastructure (SDMX-RI) already installed in most of the countries. The scope of the project is European Statistics. There will minimal no impact of the production processes of the ESS partners and on their legacy systems. Enhanced standardisation will also enable quicker policy relevant analysis and cross-domain analysis.