Presenter-Shoba Vijayaratnam1 Link to important sites Leading you to learn more
Presenter-Shoba Vijayaratnam2 Different areas General Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Organic Chemistry Industrial Chemistry Forensic Chemistry Nuclear chemistry Chemistry of Metalloids Biochemistry
Presenter-Shoba Vijayaratnam3 Vision learning website Please Visit the Vision learning Library to view the different areas you need to learn in Chemistry Remember: Elements give the basis for all these areas
Presenter-Shoba Vijayaratnam4 Vision learning website continued…. Matter module_viewer.php?mid=49&l=&c3= module_viewer.php?mid=49&l=&c3 Atomic Theory I module_viewer.php?mid=50http:// module_viewer.php?mid=50 Atomic theory II le_viewer.php?mid=51http:// le_viewer.php?mid=51 Moles wer.php?c3=&mid=53&l= wer.php?c3=&mid=53&l Nuclear reactions clearreactions.htmhttp:// clearreactions.htm
Presenter-Shoba Vijayaratnam5 Links made in different pages Radio activity page Go to Biology page hat_Atoms_Look_Like/ Introduction page
Presenter-Shoba Vijayaratnam6 Electrode potentials page ps/chm/100/dgodambe/thedisk/series/series.htmhttp:// ps/chm/100/dgodambe/thedisk/series/series.htm ps/chm/100/dgodambe/thedisk/series/3perform.htmhttp:// ps/chm/100/dgodambe/thedisk/series/3perform.htm Activity-series page
Presenter-Shoba Vijayaratnam7 Range of areas in Chemistry Data links page
Presenter-Shoba Vijayaratnam8 PP slide From Royal Society of Chemistry visit: This is part of Organic Chemistry, which I have not touched in this website These functional groups are very important in organic chemistry And Biology too