Workshop: Entrepreneurship Education and Text Needs for the 21 st Century 1 GCEC Annual Conference 2013
1-2 Get Help! Review and Get Feedback on Research Methodology Input sources Preliminary results Expected final results In order to maximize value to entrepreneurship educators and authors
1-3 Research question 1: How do current entrepreneurship textbooks meet or fail to meet the demands of entrepreneurship education in the 21 st Century? Research question 2: How can a new framework for entrepreneurship education help prepare the next entrepreneurial generations? For publication in: Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth (AISEIEG)
1-4 Identify textbooks in use for entrepreneurship courses Survey request via to GCEC members Follow up phone calls and s Identify entrepreneurship current concepts & practices Tables of contents Moderate granularity Relative weight of coverage Identify emerging practices and concepts from the literature Analyze text books for coverage of concepts and practices. Identify and document insights which could guide scholars in developing future entrepreneurship texts and instruction
1-5 Edelman, et. al. 2004, AOM Request for text in use to AOM Division 20 responses Texts selected by authors 14 of 26 texts Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics Activities 27 activities Analysis of correlation Nascent entrepreneurs reporting Topics covered in texts Relationship to startup operating status
1-6 s to 200+ GCEC members requesting survey Follow up phone calls to 80 Response from 24 Texts Identified 22 Some specialized: Finance, Legal, Ethics 14 from Edelman research (3 overlapping) Topics identified 58 current 12 emerging Identified coverage of topics in 12 of 22 so far Beginning literature search for emerging concepts
1-7 Identify additional texts Follow up with GCEC members Publishers Identify emerging concepts Literature Harvard Business Review Sloan Management Review Journal of Business Venturing Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Survey Other sources? Analyze topic coverage Explore possible insights
22 texts so far
15 of 26
58 Current
17 Candidates
1-14 Expected results Useful? Improvements? Methodology Adequate? Improvements?