21st Century Learning Tools in Math Denise Krefting and Lynn McCartney Educational Technologists Heartland AEA 11
Web 2.0 Web 1.0Web 2.0 ReadingReading/Writing Static Web pagesWeb only applications Search EnginesInformation served to users SurfingUser interaction with online information
Web 2.0 The Read/Write Web Users can focus on: Ideas Creativity Collaboration Technical know how unimportant Usually publicly accessible
Will Richardson The most sweeping change in our relationship with the Internet may not have as much to do with the ability to publish as it is to share and connect and create with many, many others of like minds and interests. Richardson, Will; Blogs, Podcasts and Other Powerful tools for the Classroom; Corwin, 2004.
What Really Separates It… Combine data from different sources Google Map Mash-ups Flickr-tagged picturesFlickr-tagged Reviews in comments The Web site has no data of it’s own
New vocabulary RSSRSS: Really simple syndication Family of Web feed file formats in XML Provides content or summaries Creation of interactive Web applications Minimal server interaction so it’s fast
Characteristics of 21st Century Learners Digital literacy Inquiry-based, experiential and engaging Interactivity and collaboration Immediacy, connectivity, communication Partnership for 21st Century Skills
Infusing 21st Century Skills Class notes with relevant web links Direct students to discipline specific databases Class site could include notes, slides, webliography, and pertinent multimedia Hybrid classes (face-to-face and online) Podcast class discussions, digital stories Image-rich text books and readings (CDs, DVDs)
Construction of knowledge Simulations (online, field experience, in-class) Visualizations Case study analysis Fieldwork Blogging Interactive web environments
Learning is a social activity Collaborative learning online Wikis Blogs Social Networking sites Audio and video conferencing Classroom response devices (clickers)
Balance between Oblinger, D. (2005, September/October). Learners, learning, and technology. Educause Review, ActionVision GraphicsText SocialIndividual ProcessContent SpeedDeliberation Peer-to-peerPeer-review
Strategic starting points Let students be the technology experts Teachers are content and instructional strategy experts Leverage word-of-mouth potential and physical presence Keep the classroom and library right at the “tip-of-the-mind”library
Web tools to consider e-zines and e-newsletters Social networking sites (MySpace, Facebook, Ning) Ning Streaming video Blogs and online journalsBlogs Global classroom projects Digital audiobooks Digital Timelines Comic Creation Tools
Web tools to consider Podcasts/VodcastsPodcasts Wikis for studentsWikis Wikis for teachersWikis MP3’s and iPods Virtual field trips Video games Simulations Cell phones Tag Clouds TeacherTube videos
Curriculum Wiki You own this site :)
Try something new Create a classroom wiki, blog, or podcast Create a VoiceThreadVoiceThread Start exploring Google MashupsGoogle Mashups Join the Google Earth CommunityGoogle Earth Community Take your class on a virtual field trip at Tramline Virtual Field TripsTramline Virtual Field Trips Join a collaborative project at Global SchoolNet Foundation or at iEARN.iEARN Explore the use of a virtual
Digital Storytelling 50 Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story by Alan Levine, former educator and Director of Media and Technology Resources at New Media consortium Available at:
What do we stand to lose? The wonder of seeing, sharing, and experiencing something new. Witnessing the excitement of discovery. Remembering what it is like to be a child This film by Peter Reynolds expresses it best. `
Questions and discussion