Program Delivery 1 Dec 2012 Scouter Carrie Woodbadge Part 1 for Group Committee
Introduction Group Committees work with section leaders to plan a Quality program. This includes being knowledgeable about the Quality Program Standards, involving Youth in the planning process and evaluating the success of the program.
Teaching Points Quality Program Standards Planning a Quality program Involving Youth in the planning process The Group Commissioner’s role in the planning process Evaluating the success of a program
Program Elements The Scouting Program contains a number of program elements and our goal is to incorporate all of them into plans. Games Crafts Music Storytelling Playacting Spiritual fellowship Outdoors
Program Standards The Program Standards assist leaders in planning, conducting and evaluating the programs. This is to help ensure that youth across the country consistently receive a run, challenging outdoor program.
Quality Program Standards Each section has a checklist that can be completed and submitted to the Group Commissioner. This is then submitted to the Area Commissioner for recognition for the Program Quality Award. This can be done on a yearly basis.
Quality Program Standards Program Planning Outdoors Youth Input Badge Programs Environmental Awareness Spiritual Emphasis Community Service Membership Retention/Growth Linking Family/Parental Involvement Training/Leadership Administration
Involving Youth in Planning The program is for the youth, so they should be involved in deciding what activities they would like to do. For the older sections, such as Scouts, Venturers and Rovers, they have the responsibility for planning their activities Leaders should not be dictating what their program is, rather, they should guide the youth and provide information to help them make decisions.
Gathering Feedback Observe what activities are popular or what doesn’t engage the youth Ask the youth what they want to do Have your Group Youth Commissioner meet with the youth to ask for ideas and feedback. Offer some ideas and ask youth if they’re interested in something they haven’t tried before.
Group Commissioner's Role Be the conduit for rapid communication and response providing a direct avenue for servicing and the passage of information in both directions. Ensure the delivery of Scouts Canada’s programs in accordance with its Mission and Principles, which meet Scouts Canada’s Program Standards and are in keeping with the goals and ideals of the Partner/Sponsor. Ensure compliance with all Policies and Procedures of Scouts Canada Establish and maintain positive relationships with parents, leaders, Partner/Sponsor, other Commissioners and the community at large.
Program Evaluation It’s important to evaluate the success of your programs to ensure the youth are enjoying themselves, we’re meeting the aims of the Scouting program and that we have the resources to deliver the programs. Tools for evaluating: Feedback from the youth Feedback from the leaders Group Self-Assessment Checklist Group Annual Review 5 Minute Group Health Checklist
Needs Assessment Step 1 – document the current state Step 2 – document what the end state should look like Step 3 – Identify where the gaps exist Step 4 – Identify a way to fill those gaps.
Summary It’s important to plan, monitor and evaluate the program being delivered. Group Commissioners are responsible for monitoring the success of their groups programs and working with leaders to make the programs exciting, enjoyable while meeting the aims of the Scouting program in Canada.