Results of 4A’s Member Survey -Marsha Appel – 4A’s SVP, Research Services The Social Tools Landscape for Agencies and Clients -Chris Damsen – Netvibes, VP Business Development -Vincent Chang – Netvibes, Director Strategy, UX & Marketing Q&A -Joe Marranca – 4A’s Webmaster Social Media Monitoring & Analysis Tools For Your Agency July 18, PM EDT Twitter: #4AsWebinars
Social Media Monitoring & Reporting Results of 4A’s Member Survey
Purpose The survey was intended to: Determine current state of social media monitoring and reporting activities among member agencies Set stage for further research, identification of trends, best practices Assess level of interest in webinars, other training, etc.
Key Results I.Respondent Demographics II.Business Practices III.Sentiment and Future Outlook
I. Respondent Demographics 89 responding agencies 81% are general, “full service” agencies Breakout by size of agency: “What is the total number of full-time employees in your agency?”
I. Respondent Demographics 80% of respondents handle social media monitoring for clients We asked the 20% who do not perform this function how their clients handle it: “How is social media monitoring handled by your clients?” (Multiple responses permitted)
I. Respondent Demographics The responsibility for social media monitoring does not reside in one consistent place among responding agencies Digital departments were the lead response – but not by a large margin “Which department at the agency is primarily responsible for social media monitoring for clients?”
II. Business Practices Social media monitoring tools: A wide variety of tools in use among survey respondents Only three clear leaders Wide variety of metrics being monitored “What tools do you use for social media monitoring and reporting?” (Multiple responses permitted)
II. Business Practices Reporting frequency and method: Monthly is the most common reporting period Presentation format most widely used “How are your results from social media monitoring presented to clients?” (Multiple responses permitted)
III. Sentiment and Future Outlook Responses regarding challenges were mixed: Overall, agencies believe they are doing a good job (53%) Agencies say clients are satisfied (73%) It is difficult to find people with appropriate skills (56%) Too many tools; hard to know which ones to use (69%) Integrating output from multiple tools is difficult (66%) There is a lack of good benchmarks (73%) Agencies say they prove ROI (46%) – but also say that clients don’t understand the value of social media (54%)
III. Sentiment and Future Outlook Social media monitoring and reporting activity is increasing: 83% engage in it more than they did a year ago 90% expect their activity to increase over the next 12 months 47% plan to purchase more monitoring tools in the next year Only 10% said they do not plan to purchase more tools 90% interested in attending a webinar
Thank You!