Changes in Home Design
Changes in Today’s Housing Houses change as society changes We have already discussed some of the changes that result from: ▫delayed marriage, delayed parenthood, childlessness, small families, single parent families, dual-career families, working from home, and active lifestyles of seniors.
Demographic Changes Demographics are the statistical characteristics of a population and they have a great impact on housing Changes in our demographics will affect the type, the style, the size, the location, and the price of housing required by people.
Demographic Changes Population density is a measurement of a population within a certain amount of land Population density will affect the types of houses built ▫High population density = cramped ▫Low population density = spacious
Population Influxes A population influx happens when a population increases, they are often large in scale Oftentimes prices of houses and rent increase when there is a population influx
Population Growth Rate Population growth rate is the change of a population over a specific amount of time. A positive growth rate = increasing population A negative growth rate = decreasing population
Economic Changes The amount of money a person makes is the single most important factor to consider when looking at housing National and global economic indicators such as interest rates, unemployment, inflation, and the cost of living affect people's affect choices of housing and the value they will get for their dollar.
Technological Changes Many important aspects of housing have been affected by technology such as home entertainment, lightning, communication, security systems, appliances, and heating or cooling systems. Convenience and energy efficiency are the two biggest advantages of home technology while one of the biggest disadvantages is cost.
Environmental Changes Issues within our environment have visible impacts on our homes and lives every day. Houses are made out of resources that are limited, such as wood and stone. Home builders have begun to address environmental issues through building materials, energy saving techniques, and more
PowerPoint material Adapted from: HLS3O: Unit 2: Activity 3: Societal Norms and Trends (Series Title: HLS3O: Unit 2: Housing: Realities and Trends) Resource ID : ELO itory/ /HLS3OPU02A03/overvie w.htmlHLS3O: Unit 2: Activity 3: Societal Norms and Trends (Series Title: HLS3O: Unit 2: Housing: Realities and Trends) Resource ID : ELO itory/ /HLS3OPU02A03/overvie w.html Population Influxes and Growth: HLS3O (Catholic) Resource ID : ELO /HLS3OC_Patrick%20E_PopInfluxesGro wth.htmlPopulation Influxes and Growth: HLS3O (Catholic) Resource ID : ELO