ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK > Response rate 40% in 2014 survey (29% in 2013) 1 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK > Participation of total members by race and gender > Participation of total members by gender 3 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK > Employed in > Resident Status 4 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q2. Rank the ICAN Strategic Objectives from most to least important Protect, Profile, Protect 5 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 Overall170 To maintain and protect the quality of the CA(NAM) qualification2,15 To raise the profile of the CA (NAM) brand3,08 To protect the CA brand3,14 To Grow a representative membership base4,38 To actively manage relations with stakeholders4,63 To raise & communicate ICAN value proposition to members5,07 To ensure ICAN secretariat capacity is sufficient5,55
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q2. Rank the ICAN Strategic Objectives from most to least important #1 and #2 switched around Demographics NB Raising profile of CA is NB (societal recognition?) 6 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 Black Male32 To raise the profile of the CA (NAM) brand2,75 To maintain and protect the quality of the CA(NAM) qualification2,78 To Grow a representative membership base3,69 To protect the CA brand3,75 To actively manage relations with stakeholders4,94 To raise & communicate ICAN value proposition to members5,03 To ensure ICAN secretairat capacity is sufficient5,06
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q2. Rank the ICAN Strategic Objectives from most to least important Demographics less NB Value proposition not a major concern for this group 7 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 White Male62 To maintain and protect the quality of the CA(NAM) qualification2,50 To protect the CA brand2,94 To raise the profile of the CA (NAM) brand3,53 To actively manage relations with stakeholders4,26 To Grow a representative membership base4,48 To raise & communicate ICAN value proposition to members4,85 To ensure ICAN secretairat capacity is sufficient5,44
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q2. Rank the ICAN Strategic Objectives from most to least important Quality and Brand at the top Stakeholders management not particularly important 8 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 Black Female21 To maintain and protect the quality of the CA(NAM) qualification2,19 To raise the profile of the CA (NAM) brand2,67 To protect the CA brand2,90 To Grow a representative membership base4,10 To actively manage relations with stakeholders5,00 To raise & communicate ICAN value proposition to members5,14 To ensure ICAN secretairat capacity is sufficient6,00
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q2. Rank the ICAN Strategic Objectives from most to least important Quality and Brand at the top (same as BF) Demographics less NB (as WM) 9 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 White Female55 To maintain and protect the quality of the CA(NAM) qualification1,36 To raise the profile of the CA (NAM) brand2,93 To protect the CA brand3,09 To actively manage relations with stakeholders4,73 To Grow a representative membership base4,78 To raise & communicate ICAN value proposition to members5,31 To ensure ICAN secretairat capacity is sufficient5,80
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q3. Can you propose any other strategic objectives for ICAN? 10 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 BM Change secretariat demographics New CEO WM Training / CPD International recognition BF Training / CPD Brand promotion Career Guidance WF CPD Reduce fees UNAM/PON standards
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q4. Rank the ICAN Committees in order of importance to the activities of the Institution T&E priority ties in with protect qualification Transformation ranking raises question of communication to members 11 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 Overall170 Training & Education2,76 Technical2,95 Career Guidance3,73 Tax3,99 Members in Business5,03 Marketing5,22 Transformation5,68
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q4. Rank the ICAN Committees in order of importance to the activities of the Institution Career guidance priority relates to Raising Profile ranking MIB not NB, interesting ranking? 12 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 Black Male32 Career Guidance3,16 Technical3,41 Training & Education3,47 Transformation4,19 Marketing4,53 Tax5,25 Members in Business5,44
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q4. Rank the ICAN Committees in order of importance to the activities of the Institution Protect Quality of CA (NAM) Support for Transformation must be achieved 13 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 White Male62 Training & Education3,08 Technical3,11 Tax3,89 Career Guidance3,94 Members in Business4,53 Marketing4,89 Transformation5,98
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q4. Rank the ICAN Committees in order of importance to the activities of the Institution Quality of CA(NAM) MIB not so NB 14 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 Black Female21 Training & Education1,76 Technical2,86 Career Guidance3,05 Transformation4,71 Tax4,95 Members in Business5,67 Marketing5,71
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q4. Rank the ICAN Committees in order of importance to the activities of the Institution Quality of CA(NAM) Support for Transformation must be achieved 15 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 White Female55 Training & Education2,38 Technical2,55 Tax3,02 Career Guidance4,09 Members in Business5,11 Marketing5,80 Transformation6,58
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q5. Any comment for a committee? 16 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 BM Stakeholders engagement committee i.e. with Government etc. WM Is the Business Committee functioning? I don’t know what these committees do, therefore unable to rank them meaningfully. Why so many committees? The marketing strategy run out of that Committee is key to most of the remainder BF Rebrand the brand Upgrade the website, more relevant information WF It would be nice to know there are 8 Committees, as no information is circulated to members about anything All committees are equally important
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q6. Where would you like to see the Institute spend its funds? Rank in order of priority 17 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q7. Have you had interaction with the Secretariat during the past year eg. Technical query, membership query, attendance at a CPD event? Please rate the service of the Secretariat in addressing member queries: 18 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q8. ICAN Communicator Tool 19 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 OverallYesNo Are you aware of the ICAN Commnicator Tool129 (76%)41 (24%) If Yes, have you installed it?83 (58%)61 (43%) If Yes, do you find it a better means of communicating than bulk ?74 (67%)37 (33%)
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q9. I you have answered NO to question 8. above, please give an indication why not: 20 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 No % of No % of total Installation is too technical44%2% Internal business IT restrictions on applications2526%14% Too much effort1617%9% Website provides information as and when1920%11% Not informed on how to install the tool3233%19% 96100%56% N/A - already installed7444% %
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q10. Is there any other comment or input for ICAN on any subject? Black Male 21 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 More proactive in our engagement with Government. More road show at the regions Keep up the good work Keep up momentum into 2015! ICAN to engage with office of the AG with regards to their tendering system
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q10. Is there any other comment or input for ICAN on any subject? Black Female 22 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 Should improve its website. Put more effort in coastal training sessions. ICAN needs to be more visible. Distribution topical technical accounting matters and how resolved in Namibia or general practice.
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q10. Is there any other comment or input for ICAN on any subject? White Female 23 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 High quality CPD events. Greatly appreciated and added significant value. Thanks for obtaining our input! Inform members of technical updates and new legislation Consider a monthly newsletter via with ICAN information and events. Thank you Membership fees are extremely high
ICAN SURVEY FEEDBACK Q10. Is there any other comment or input for ICAN on any subject? White Male 24 ICAN STRATEGY MEETING – 22 OCTOBER 2014 Improve relationships with government. A more representative council and management team. Increased presence and activity. Keep it up Yes please respond better (if at all) to questions ed. Great initiative. Keep up the good work Electronic version (CD) of the IFRS handbook Online training/reading for CPD hours