Integrating Concepts in Biology PowerPoint Slides for Chapter 24: Homeostasis at the Population Level by A. Malcolm Campbell, Laurie J. Heyer, and Chris Paradise
A peregrine falcon, Falco peregrines Figure UN24.1
Frequency map of peppered moth color morphs and development of industry during the 18th century Figure 24.1
Percentages of peppered moths deemed conspicuous by researchers in different forests Figure 24.2
Results of studies of peppered moths in two forests Figure 24.3
Differences in characteristics between killifish populations Figure 24.4
Cases of phenotypic change in traits caused by human predation Table 24.1 # of cases of phenotypic change total # of cases % of cases average change in variable morphological reproductive
Changes in phenotypes affected by humans as predators, other human interference, or natural environmental changes Figure 24.5
Effects of nutrient level on Johnson grass Figure 24.6
Effects of nutrient level on sorghum Figure 24.7
Concentration of three nutrients in Johnson grass and sorghum Figure 24.8
The marsh pond snail, Stagnicola elodes and the tadpole physa, Physella gyrina Figure 24.9
Slopes of growth rates of two snails fed diets containing different amounts of protein Table 24.2 species protein content in diet shell growth rate (µm/day) body wet mass growth rate (mg/day) marsh pondsnailhigh medium low tadpole physahigh medium low
Reproduction in snails fed different protein content diets Figure 24.10
Consumption, assimilation and allocation in two snails fed different protein content diets Figure 24.11
Japan's population age structure for 2000 and projected for 2050 Figure ELSI 24.1
Damselfish and the effects of predators on different densities of yellowtail damselfish populations Figure 24.12
Proportion of damselfish lost during daylight feeding and nighttime sheltering Figure 24.13
Analysis of vulnerable positions and effect of density on proportion of damselfish in vulnerable positions Figure 24.14
Annual changes in female European rabbits densities and the proportion of one-year-olds Figure 24.15
Relationships between density of female European rabbits and reproductive parameters Figure 24.16
Age and density-dependent reproductive rates of European rabbits Figure 24.17
Descriptive statistics and Clark-Evans statistics for a jack pine forest Table 24.3 population density (#/m 2 ) mean NND (m) CEprobability all trees, living, dead, & stumps living trees < dead trees
White wallrocket reproduction parameters as functions of nearest neighbor distance Figure 24.18
American kestrel and nestbox with young kestrel peeking out Figure 24.19
Concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons in eggs from a wild population of kestrels Table 24.4 compound year DDE (5) (22) (6) (5) DDTnd (5) nd DDDnd (5) nd Dieldrin (1) (5) (7) nd PCBsnd (5) nd
Eggshell thickness in natural and captive kestrel populations Figure 24.20
Relationship between dietary DDE fed to American kestrels and DDE in eggs and eggshell thickness Figure 24.21
Relationship between concentration of DDE in eggs and % decrease in eggshell thickness in raptors Figure 24.22