Emily Railey Dendrite EDCI 6796 S-12
What? National Storytelling Association (1997), storytelling can be defined as the art of using language, vocalization, and/or physical movement and gesture to reveal the elements and images of a story to a specific, live audience. DailyAloudRead
Benefits 1.Remember (emotional) Engaging, Interesting, Imaginative 2. Develop whole concepts and observe details Listening, Reasoning skills 3. Not Just ELA, Use Across Curriculum Teach many things 4. Incorporates Metaphors, Humor, and more Narrative Chains
Why? Research has over 4,010,000 results on just Develops social skills Multicultural Verbal Linguistic Multiple Intelligence A break from intensive instruction Literacy Comprehension and Writing Skills Authentic Curricula Connections Technology Integration Creative Problem Solving Collaboration
For Teachers and Students Engaging, Inspiring Hush Factor There is a story on every topic Make their own story Assessment tool Flexible to connect subjects ELL and Students with Disabilities Skills for the Future (grants and scholarships) Cooperative Learning, Rhythm and Rhyme, Graphic Organizers, Experiments, Games, Technology Integration
How? Narrative chaining- stories linking unrelated concepts or words Create a story for a multiple step process (for sciences and math) or chronological events (for history) Role Play Books on every subject Poems with skill examples Collaborate with media specialist
Technology Tools
Suggestions: Dr. Seuss, Robert Munsch, etc. Poems Collaborate Book Talks Read with feeling and familiarity Ask questions by involving students Summarize Internet Super Why cartoon on PBS- problem, find answers in book, solve the problem
outube.com/ watch?v=mO A8mUflH- Q&feature=re lated