TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Lesson structure: Main Objectives Intercultural aspects Learning Strategies Recycled Language New Language Assessment Integration of Technologies
STUDENTS’ LEARNING STYLES AND INTELLIGENCES Know your students’ learning styles early on: Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Know your students’ intelligences early on: Linguistic Logical Spatial Bodily/Kinesthetic Musical Naturalist Interpersonal Intrapersonal
TECHNIQUES FOR ACQUIRING LANGUAGE SKILLS Songs Games Storytelling Pair and group work (Cooperative Learning) Projects Role Play
LEARNING APPROACHES TPR: Total Physical Response TPR is an approach for teaching new vocabulary that appeals to learner’s kinesthetic-sensory system. First : teacher introduces new vocabulary and establishes meaning through corresponding actions and gestures Students mimic teacher’s actions as they learn the words/phrases (this must be done through repetition) and eventually demonstrate comprehension through actions and gestures themselves Ultimately, the language is extended to written forms and students begin to respond verbally.
CLIC : CONTENT AND LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING CLIL is the most common term used in the European setting to describe the approach to teaching a curriculum subject through a foreign language, with the dual focus of acquiring more subject knowledge and improving one’s skills and competences in the foreign language.
USE OF TECHNOLOGY Trivs i.e. quizzes using video clips Voki Fotobabble Popplet Atube catcher