Welcome to Math 110!
NOTE: If you pay attention to these slides, they contain the answers to most of the 25 questions on the syllabus quiz you’ll be taking at the end of class today...
Instructor *** Email: *** Office: *** Phone: *** (or 232-1757, Math TLC office)
Our Student Teaching Assistants for this section: *** Web site: http://mathtlc.uwstout.edu/
Course Requirements Prerequisite: Math Placement Level 1, or passed Math 010. Things to bring to class every day: Laptop, power cord Note-taking materials Calculator
Course Credit The 4 credits for this course DO count as elective credit towards graduation, but this course DOES NOT count towards the 6-credit General Education Analytical Skills requirement. All students must take at least one more math course beyond this one.
Which course you’ll take next Depending on your major, your next class will be either: Math 120 (College Math I) Math 123 (Finite Math) NOTE: You must get a B or better in Math 110 to go straight to Math 123. Otherwise, you’ll need to take Math 120 first. NOTE: If you need to take Math 121, you CANNOT skip Math 120.
(Instructors: click on table for link to current version) Minimum Mathematics Requirement by Program (Instructors: click on table for link to current version) If your major requires Math 118, you should drop Math 110 and add Math 118 unless you want to take both Math 110 AND Math 120. Math 110 CANNOT substitute for Math 118 for the Gen. Ed. requirement. (Be sure to check with your advisor to make sure this is what you need for your program before you do the drop/add.)
Withdrawals The last day of “free drops” (no record on transcript) is Sunday, February 5. Withdrawals between Feb. 5 and April 3, will result in a grade of “WS”. This WILL appear on your transcript, but won’t affect your GPA. By University policy, drops after April 3 will result in a grade of F. This WILL affect your GPA, so plan ahead if things are looking grim by then!!
Course Grades Quizzes: 1 @ 2 points, 1 @ 3, 4 @ 25 105 pts Tests: 2 @ 100 points, 2 @ 90 380 pts Final Exam (comprehensive) 200 pts Practice Quizzes and Tests 57 pts Daily Homework Assignments 202 pts 1 @ 2 points, 35 @ 4 pts, 4 @ 15 pts Lecture Attendance & Participation 56 pts TOTAL COURSE POINTS 1000 pts Note that homework counts about 20% of your course grade, tests and quizzes total about 75%, and attendance/participation is worth about 5%.
Grade Scale
Deadlines for Daily Homework Each homework assignment is due at the start of class on the class day after the section is assigned. All deadlines are given in the syllabus and in the on-line assignment list. Plan to work well ahead of the deadline, because homework deadlines won’t be extended if they are missed. Homework can be turned in early and can be done outside of the lab.
Working at home You can do homework from home or on any computer with internet access. Quizzes and tests must be completed in the Math TLC, even if you arrange to take them early. Avoid potential problems with missed homework deadlines due to internet disruptions by starting your work sufficiently early, or by doing your work in the Math TLC. You may work ahead of the class schedule if you choose.
Attendance points Attendance will be taken at every class session, and 1 point will be awarded to students who are present when roll is taken. Participation may be used in addition to attendance to earn the daily 1 point. Points for each week’s attendance will be posted weekly to the online gradebook by Monday of the following week.
Class sessions: During the first part of each class period, LAPTOPS MUST BE CLOSED while the teacher covers that day’s lecture material. At the end of the lecture, laptops may be opened and your teacher and a TA will provide individual help with homework problems. After lecture, you may leave class early if you have your assignment completely finished and 100% correct, after the teacher or TA checks your score on your laptop.
Classroom Etiquette: All electronic devices including cell phones, PDA's, iPods, and laptops need to be OFF during class. When the day’s lecture is finished your instructor will ask you to use your laptop to work on the day’s homework. During these times and during tests or quizzes it is not appropriate to use your computer for email communications, instant messaging, general web surfing or similar activities that are not directly related to the current lecture.
More on Cell Phones: CELL PHONES MAY NOT BE USED AT ALL, EVEN AS CALCULATORS, IN MATH 110 CLASSROOMS OR IN THE MATH TLC TUTOR LAB. Your cell phone needs to be out of sight and turned off while in the classroom or tutor lab. Any violation of this policy will result in your cell phone being held at the instructor’s desk until you leave the classroom or tutor lab.
Make-up Policies Homework cannot be submitted after the posted deadline. Students who must miss work or tests due to official University business must make arrangements for makeup work beforehand, by arrangement with your own course instructor.
Make-up Policy (continued) If a quiz or test is missed due to a serious verifiable circumstance, a makeup may be given if the excuse is verified. NOTE: All excuses and documentation must be turned in to your instructor within 2 days of missed work. If approved by your instructor, a makeup will be scheduled.
Academic Dishonesty Policy Any student discovered receiving assistance from any source or giving assistance to another student on an exam or quiz, or cheating in any other way will be given a zero grade for that exam or quiz. A second infraction will result in a failing grade (F) for the class. See University policy at http://www3.uwstout.edu/stusrv/dean/dishonesty.cfm
Math TLC Open Lab Hours: Room 203 Jarvis Hall Science Wing (next door to the JHSW 214 Math TLC classroom) Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. This lab is closed on Fridays, on weekends and during breaks.
Remember this for your syllabus quiz: Math TLC Open Labs are held in Room 203, next to the main Math TLC classroom. Removable stickers similar to the one pictured below will be available in the Open Lab if you would like one.
Notebooks/note taking Written notes should be taken during lectures. You should have a notebook that you use specifically for this class, and bring it to every class session. Notebooks will be checked occasionally and used to determine attendance/participation points on those days. You should also have a page in your notebook for each homework assignment. For each online problem, you should write the problem in your notebook, then show all steps of the work you do to get the answer. These notes will be very helpful to you in studying for tests and quizzes.
Website and Login information: http://pearsonmylabandmastering.com If you have used CourseCompass before, Sign In using your old username and password. Course ID: **** Access code: The long series of words on the paper being handed out now. If you used this textbook before, you do not need a new access code.
Registration info for NEW USERS ONLY: You will begin by entering the Course ID:**** Then press “Continue”
NEW MyLab/Mastering USERS ONLY: Make sure you enter the Menomonie zip code (54751) Enter your Stout email address User Name and Password: follow instructions online These items will be emailed to you – print and keep this email! (Your teacher WILL NOT know them and won’t be able to access them if you forget/lose them.) If you have any trouble with any of the registration or log-in steps, just ask one of the teachers or TAs in the classroom. We want to make sure everyone can log in before leaving class today. Course ID: **** Access Code: That long series of words handed out just now.
Once you’re registered: Go to PearsonMyLabandMastering.com (add to the “Favorites” list in your browser) In the “Sign In” box, enter your Username and Password Click on Fall 2011 Math 110-00*****
Once you’re at the course site: The Home Page looks like this
Information about the short homework assignment due tomorrow: This assignment has eight basic arithmetic problems. (Those of you who took Math 010 last semester will recognize these as the Gateway problems.) The problems can be accessed online (instructions on next slide), but you should show all of your work in detail for each problem on the worksheet that the TAs will be handing out to each of you. You should also enter your answers into the computer in the online assignment. You should not use a calculator to do these problems. The purpose of this short homework assignment is to help us assess your basic algebra skills that will be needed throughout the course. If you need a quick review to help you do any of these problems, look in the “lecture slides” section of this assignments folder. We will also spend some time going over these problems in lecture tomorrow, after you have turned in the homework worksheet. In class on Day 4, you will be taking a quiz similar to this homework. Calculators will not be allowed on this quiz.
To view the Homework Assignment due at start of class tomorrow: Click on the “Assignments” button Click on “First Day of Class” to see this screen: Now click on the word “here” under Gateway Homework.
Now you should see this screen: Click on the Gateway HW line. Your computer may then run a “browser check” If you have a new or refreshed Stout laptop, you will not need to load any programs. If your computer prompts you to load the updated version of Flash, do so, but DO NOT load any other programs. Ask one of the TAs for help if you run into any trouble with this. You will need to have this working in order to do this assignment and the syllabus quiz. The worksheet handout has instructions for showing your work on paper and entering your answers online.
The Gateway HW is due at start of class tomorrow The Gateway HW is due at start of class tomorrow. Now leave that link and take the syllabus quiz. Click on the “Assignments” button again Click on “First Day of Class” to see this screen: Now click on the word “here” under Syllabus Quiz
Select “Syllabus Quiz from the list. Click “I am ready to start” YOU MAY USE YOUR SYLLABUS AND COURSE CALENDAR TO TAKE THIS QUIZ. Use the “Next question” button to move to next question. Remember to hit “Submit” button when completely finished When finished, check your quiz score and redo quiz if desired. (This is the only quiz you’ll be able to do over, so take advantage of this to make sure you get 100%!) .
That’s it! See you tomorrow. Remember to bring: Your completed Gateway Homework assignment sheet your laptop and power cord note-taking materials calculator