Math Laboratory of Protypa Peiramatika School of Herakleion - Greece Irini Perissinaki (teacher) Damianakis Dimitrios (student) Vakis Michail (student)
2009: the start
A great philosophy You learn Maths by doing Maths You do Maths by solving real problems
A problem and its solution
A sorting machine
Main task real problem situations tools for experiments students develop their own ideas students experience the benefits of collaborative learning Main task real problem situations tools for experiments students develop their own ideas students experience the benefits of collaborative learning Sharing with other teachers Training activities Publish at our web site
A visit to a math exhibition
Lots of things to see
At Math Laboratory, team work 68+ Joining squares with squares and triangles with triangles
Our first constructions
A really hard puzzle
At last, we did it!!!
Astronomy projects The construction of a sundial for Herakleion The publication of astronomy articles in a website A webquest about “searching other words for humanity” The construction of “Astronomy board games” The participation to the Stanford University Project “SID” for meauring Solar Flares.
Astronomy board games
Three stages Create multiple choice questions Design board games Play the games
SID: measuring Solar Flares, by Stanford University
Our antenna, being constructed
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