Active Maths Catriona Smith, Depute Head Teacher Muriel Webster, Principal Teacher Knightswood Primary School
Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School Welcome! Piloted with two P4 classes Now across 5 classes in middle school Involves teachers, children, PSAs and parents Improved achievement, attainment, motivation and behaviour Improved job satisfaction for teachers and PSAs Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School
Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School Children’s Views I like Active Maths because you get to play football. It keeps your brain fit. One thing I like about Active Maths is that its fun! The stations are fun and it is a fun way of learning about maths. The stations are about different things. Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School
Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School Children’s Views We started Active Maths when we were in primary four. Mrs Smith runs Active Maths. We like the independent stations because they are so much fun, where as the taught stations are more boring because you have a teacher there. Most people love independent groups. Active Maths helps you learn better and is better than reading a textbook or just sitting at a desk. We would recommend it to other schools! By Daniella-Jane and Rebecca, Primary 5a Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School
Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School How? Ability groups Six stations One station per day 10 children in each group Balance of Active and “Plain” Maths Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School
Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School Primary 5a website Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School
Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School Planning ALL staff involved Two taught, two guided and two independent stations Linked to 5-14 outcomesmaths c number2.doc Time between blocks to allow for planning Reusable resources Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School
Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School Assessment Group folder Traffic lights Comment for adult Plenary – thumbs up End of block evaluation Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School
Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School DVD Made by working group for staff feedback Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School
Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School Parental Involvement Workshop to see Active Maths in action Questionnaires at Parents Evenings Maths help workshop- Parent’s level 2 Leaflets produced –Information on Active Maths and Help for Parents with Maths Volunteers for Active Maths Responsible for independent stations Rota system Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School
Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School Key Learning Points PSAs fully involved Meeting times to include everyone All equipment ready for each session Week off for planning Flexibility in planning Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School
Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School Achievements 2006/2007 2007/2008 Level B or above 89% 97% Level C 3% 45% Children have also reported that they enjoy maths more through Active Maths (86%). Shift from those who found maths “ok” to liking maths and finding it easy through the Active Maths project. Catriona Smith, DHT, Knightswood Primary School