Making an Organized List EnVision Math Topic 1: Lesson 1-7 Making an Organized List 2010-11 Materials needed: -classwork pages for lesson 1-7 for each student -Math Test Ticket for each student
Rocket Math Please open your Rocket Math folder and find your…
…practice sheet for today. Write your name * on the name line. Look * to see which level you are starting with today. Then find your…
…Rocket sheet. Down at the bottom * find the level you are on today. If it is the same level as last time, write your date under the next try. If you passed last time , then you are on a new level today. You may color in the letter that you passed on your rocket. Then you will fill in the date under first try for your new level. Remember, these are our partners for the week…
What strategies can I use to solve word problems? Can someone read our big question? This year, we’ll learn strategies to solve many different types of word problems. No matter what type of word problem we have to solve, there are certain steps that we can follow for every word problem. Let’s check out those steps…
What am I trying to find out? Problem Solving Steps Read and Understand ? What am I trying to find out? ? What do I know? When you have a word problem to solve, the first thing you need to do is * read and understand the problem. There are two important questions to ask yourself: * * Then you need to *make a plan and solve the problem. Once again, there are two important questions to ask yourself: * * Finally, you need to * look back and check your work. You should ask yourself: * * Today we’ll learn one… Plan and Solve ? What strategy or strategies should I try? ? What is the answer? Look Back and Check ? Did I answer the question? ? Does my answer make sense?
Problem Solving Strategies Make an Organized List …problem solving strategy, which is * making an organized list. When have you made a list? (grocery list, list of chores, team players, etc.) Why did you make a list? (helps you remember all items) Here’s a problem that could be solved with an organized list…
Daryl has 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants Daryl has 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants. Name all the possible combinations of shirts and pants he can wear together. How many different outfits can he make? Can someone read it? I don’t want to miss any combinations, so I want to make a list, and I want to do it in an organized way. I can start with one of my shirts and list all of the combinations to go with that shirt. Let’s start with the…
blue shirt – black pants 6 different outfits blue shirt – tan pants blue shirt – black pants 6 different outfits orange shirt – tan pants orange shirt – black pants red shirt – tan pants … blue shirt. He could wear a * blue shirt and tan pants. What else could he wear with the blue shirt? * That’s it for blue, so now let’s use the * orange shirt. What is the first combination for the orange shirt? * What is the other combination for orange? * That’s it for orange, so now let’s use the * red shirt. What is the first combination for the red shirt? * What is the other combination for red? * Now I have used all the shirts and pants. How many different outfits can he wear? * red shirt – black pants
Let’s Practice! Let’s do some practice using organized lists to solve problems. Find your binder and open to the classwork section. Look for the first sheet that says 1-7. We’ll do the first six problems together. 10
Lou’s sandwiches are made with either wheat or white bread and have only one kind of cheese – Swiss, Cheddar, American, or Mozzarella. How many different kinds of sandwiches can Lou make? Show all possible combinations. Can someone read number 1? (project on board so you can write the list in the empty space and answer on the line)
Alan has a cat, a goldfish, and a dog Alan has a cat, a goldfish, and a dog. He feeds them in a different order each day. How many different ways can he feed his pets? Show all possible orders. Can someone read number 2? (project on board so you can write the list in the empty space and answer on the line)
Ann, Mara, Jenny, Tina, and Sue are sisters Ann, Mara, Jenny, Tina, and Sue are sisters. Two of the five sisters must help their father at his business each Saturday. How many combinations of two sisters are possible? Show all possible combinations. Can someone read number 3? (project on board so you can write the list in the empty space and answer on the line)
Liz has 4 sweaters and 2 skirts. Name all the possible combinations of sweaters and skirts she can wear together. How many different outfits can she make? Can someone read number 4? (project on board so you can write the list in the empty space and answer on the line)
At McDonalds, dad can order a cheeseburger or a salad At McDonalds, dad can order a cheeseburger or a salad. He can get small, medium, or large French fries to go with it. How many choices does he have for lunch? Show all possible combinations. Can someone read number 5? (project on board so you can write the list in the empty space and answer on the line)
Erin is thinking of a 3-digit number. It uses the digits 1, 7, and 4 Erin is thinking of a 3-digit number. It uses the digits 1, 7, and 4. How many numbers can she make? Show all possible numbers. Can someone read number 6? (project on board so you can write the list in the empty space and answer on the line) Now it’s your turn to do some without me. I am going to match you up with a partner to do numbers 7-15. As you are working, I will peek over your shoulders and check your answers. If you finish early, you may work on any other classwork. (give time to work)
Name # Since we have our math test on Thursday, I have a Test Ticket to give to you with some strategies you can use to study. (pass out Test Tickets) Write your name * at the top. Write your number * in the top right hand corner. (Read first strategy.) (Read second strategy.) Open to the first page in your classwork section…
Topic 1: Numeration On this page, you will see * all the page numbers in the book for the things we have learned. Let’s add some other pages that you can use to study. * Let’s go back to our Test Ticket… pg. 22-25
Name # (read the next two strategies) You will not have a pretest to redo this time, so let’s * cross that one out. (read the last two strategies) There is a reminder about how to use the EnVision website on the back of your Test Ticket. Let’s check it out…
1 All of the steps you need to follow are listed here. You just need to fill in a * 1 where it says Topic… Let’s go back to the front of your Test Ticket…
Name # Thurs., 9/23 (Let’s fill in our test date at the bottom… * Remember that you will need to get a * parent’s signature by Thursday. Put this Test Ticket in your homework folder. Thurs., 9/23
Daily Math Review Now we’re ready for Daily Math Review. You are going to follow…
Things to do: Do the Tuesday Daily Math Review problems. CHECK your work! 3. Take your paper to Mrs. Gibson to check. 4. Correct any mistakes with your red pencil. Do not erase any answers! …the things to do list. Remember to use a red pencil to correct mistakes! Do NOT erase any answers! Today we have a new big question to investigate … 5. After Mrs. Gibson has checked it, put it in the Math Box. 6. Correct any homework mistakes with red pencil. Put your sheet in the Math Box. 7. Work on classwork for 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, or 1-6.