Fourth Grade New Things To Remember Monday is an A Day, Tuesday is a B Day, Wednesday is a C Day, Thursday is a D Day, and Friday is a B Day. The weather will be changing soon. Please make sure you check the weather each day and dress your child appropriately. Every month we could use store donations. The kids like silly putty, gel slap hands, juice boxes, baseball cards, etc… Please send a healthy snack with your child each day! Look over your child’s homework each evening! Also, please don’t forget to sign your child’s Friday Folder. That lets us know that you have seen your child’s graded work. Fourth grade has high expectations for our students. Don’t doubt your child or let them quit when things get difficult. Instead, encourage them to have perseverance and work through the difficulties. Your child will rise to the expectations we set and that you set and you will see success!! It may take longer with some children, but success can and will come eventually. What’s Happening… Important Dates Tuesday, September 16 th -Reading Response Due September 16 th -picture money due if you want to order your child’s school pictures Friday September 12, 19 and 26 -Early Dismissal at 1:30 October 3- 11:30 Dismissal- First Quarter Ends October 10, 24, 31 Early Dismissal October 13-No School Columbus Day October 16 & 17 Parent/Teacher Conferences Thursday evening and Friday morning October 17- NO SCHOOL No School November 10 or 11 November 13 th Open House 3:45-5:00 November 21-Early Release November th Thanksgiving Break by September 15-19, 2014 Academics Spelling: We will be adding s and es to words. The test will be given on Friday. Language Arts: We are learning all about nouns over the next several weeks: common, proper, pronouns, possessive, plural, singular. Math: We are starting a unit on interpreting multiplication equations as comparisons (fact families) and using multiplication and division to make comparison, as well as prime and composite numbers. Reading: We are learning how to find the main idea, compare and contrast, and use somebody, wanted, but, so, then to summarize. Social Studies: We are learning about all the things that make up a region in the U.S.A. such as climate, natural resources, landforms, people, history, and culture. Your child’s STAR READING and MATH scores should have came home in your child’s Friday Folder on September 12 th. Make sure to look at these Nationally normed scores. There is also a grade equivalent for reading and math. We are beginning timed multiplications tests next week and a unit on multiplication and division. So, if your child does not have his/her multiplication facts memorized please buy your child some flash cards and have them practice. If they know their multiplication facts, they will be able to do division and simplify fractions, find factors, etc… THIS IS AN ESSENTIAL SKILL!!! If you have a twitter account, please sign up to follow our schools twitter READING RESPONSE: The second reading response will be due next Tuesday, (September 16th). Parent signature is required on the response. Your child will record the minutes that he/she read during the week and choose one response question to answer using supporting details from the text. The answer is based over the chapters your child read over the course of the week. Please look closely at the rubric.