Fountain Gate Primary School
450 students 50% LBOTE SFO: 0.66
A Tale of Two Strategic Plans………………….
University of Sydney
Pressure for Change Where does this come from? Most powerful when it comes from teachers. Open, honest discussion about what we are happy with and what needs to change. Depends on relationships of respect and trust Math Survey for specifics Why do we need to change? e.g. “Did you know?”
Research: Necessary but not enough John Munro: How learners learn: What teachers need to know to be effective University of Melbourne
Roswell PS No 0051 purpose
123456NATotalAVG Individual I feel positive about teaching mathematics I enjoy teaching mathematics Clarity I am clear about what the school expect from my Math planning I am clear about what the school expect from my Math teaching I am clear about what the school expect from my Math assessment I have a clear understanding of the use of data in mathematics Profesional Staff frequently discuss and share teaching methods and strategies with each other Staff in this school can rely on their colleagues for support and assistance in mathematics when needed Participatory Decision Making There is an opportunity for staff to participate in school policy and decision making in the area of mathematics Goal Congruence There is agreement about the philosophy of teaching mathematics in the school My personal philosophy in the teaching and learning of mathematics is in agreement with the school Professional Growth There are opportunities for developing new skills in the teaching of mathematics My maths program reflects the expectations of the Victorian Essential Learning Standards Teaching and Learning My maths program uses strategies that are matched to learning styles and needs of all students in my class Professional Development Number of Times Chosen Aligning planning to VELS8 Using ICT during maths sessions8 Developing authentic assessment tasks for ongoing assessment12 Incorporating different thinking styles9 The use of data to inform your teaching4 Differentiating the mathematics curriculum and catering for the needs of all students4 Establishing a consistent approach to planning and documenting the mathematics curriculum P-69 MATH SURVEY RESULTS
Other School Issues Kids don't see the purpose for learning maths Why do so many kids 'hate' maths in the upper grade and believe they can't do it? Procedures are being taught without full understanding, going through the motions. Need to develop more open-ended activities to help children with maths. I am not sure that we all have the same understandings as to what makes a good mathematics program Are we trying to do too much without giving kids enough practical experience? Literacy tends to be our 1st priority and mathematics takes 2nd place. It is not consistent in our team. Some people are not really sure about what they are meant to be teaching and when. Catering for the range of ability levels within the classroom is sometimes difficult. All the children having different needs and finding the time to truly cater for them all with open ended tasks. Not clear with the planner expectations.
Imagine it is April 2014……….. Our current Strategic Plan is finished. What will be happening in our classrooms? What will we be doing? What will our students be doing? What will have been the key changes to teaching and learning? Choose one of the key changes you have considered. Talk with your team and make sure you all come up with something different. Take a photo in your classroom that shows an example of that change. it to Jenny. The photos will be put together in a PowerPoint. At the first staff meeting after the holidays, you will be asked to explain briefly what you believe a key change will be and how your photo relates to that change. Shared Vision
What are the major trends? Teachers will move from Teacher-directed>Student-centred Standard>Differentiated Isolated tasks>Integrated Covering>Deep understanding Worksheets>Diverse learning Abstract>Real life So that students move from Dependent>Independent Individual>Collaborative Passive>Active
We will know this is happening when we see … Engagement Attitude Learning Understanding Collaborating
Needed to find pedagogical models that would help us meet our Strategic Plan Improvement goals in Working Mathematically and Reading Comprehension in the context of our vision for learning.
Australian Developmental Curriculum (Prep & Grade 1)
Readers’ Workshop: Deb Sukarna Aims to make children’s thinking explicit, encourages abstract, complex thinking. Encourages connections with real life, other media. Allows student choice of reading material. Uses peer connections. Explicit teaching of reading comprehension strategies in the context of student choice. Increases the time actually spent reading. Basic Structure: Book Chat (2-3 minutes) Mini Lesson (10-15 minutes) Independent Reading (30 minutes) Share Time (5-10 minutes)
Quality Learning of Mathematics Expert/Critical friend: Michael Ymer Fountain Gate PS beliefs about teaching mathematics Maths is now focused on understanding, not covering. Teachers do less rescuing, it’s OK for students to be challenged, need to articulate their thinking. Tasks are open-ended. Students work collaboratively part of the time. Teacher knowledge of how to teach maths has improved, all levels have a copy of Teaching Primary Mathematics (G Booker). Correct mathematical language is used from the beginning. Planning has changed so that all of Term 4 is allocated to revising and consolidating. Ongoing assessment and point-of-need instruction.
What can we stop doing? Professional development for key personnel Classroom Observational Rounds, facilitated by leadership team Principal class walkthroughs and feedback Extra planning days PD in staff meetings Whole-school goal alignment linked with Performance Reviews Capacity For Change/First Steps/Model the Way
The strength of an innovation is primarily carried in how widespread it is. Not every teacher will engage at the same level, but everyone will want to be part of the success. e.g. every teacher will have an Opportunity for Improvement about maths
One of the leader’s jobs is to articulate the story, use real life examples. e.g. I know of a boy in grade 2 who ………..
Embed change in the system, planning, documentation, assessment processes, room arrangements Having a sense of collective efficacy; This is the way we do things here. e.g. Document beliefs about maths Reinforce and Solidify Change
Evaluate and Improve Feedback to Leadership team through Professional Learning Team meetings Planning Days Literacy and Numeracy teams Performance review process Staff opinion survey.
Challenges Time and mental space required to think through new initiatives>impact on staff opinion survey. Can be confronting for students when they are used to a particular culture, e.g. students felt students were misbehaving because the classrooms weren’t silent any more. Maintaining focus on main game, keeping everything else at bay. Progress is not a straight line; dealing with the dips.