Welcome to Open House! East Millsboro Elementary Aug. 26 th, 2014 Mrs. Bullock 5th Grade
Our Class Schedule 7:45-8:00 Writing 8:00-8:10 95% 8:10-8:25 Writing Continued 8:25-9:05 Specials 9:05-9:15 Bathroom 9:15-10:40 LA Continued 10:40-11:20 RTI 11:20-12:20 Math 12:25-12:55 Lunch 12:55-1:10 Recess 1:15-1:45 Math Continued 1:45-2:00 S.T.A.R 2:00-2:40 Science/Social Studies 2:40-2:42 Dismissal
Fifth Grade Discipline Policy The fifth grade teachers use a point system for discipline. Each teacher gives in increments of 1 or 2 points for positive behaviors. Some of the positive behaviors include the following: certificates in the cafeteria, excellent hall behavior, helping another student without being asked, saying positive comments to another student, and just any situation where the students display kind and positive behavior without being told. There are circumstances where privileges will be taken away in the same increments. Some examples are the following: poor cafeteria behavior, unsuitable all behavior, talking or misbehaving during class, saying unkind things to anyone else in the school, and any other situation where a student does not display acceptable behavior. When the points are not working, more severe measures will follow. These are some other steps the fifth grade teacher will use in order to insure discipline: –1. removed from the situation (if needed) –2. recess taken away –3. a call to the parents/guardian and/or a trip to the office for certain situations where immediate action is needed The fifth grade students will be rewarded every 8 weeks with a Fifth Grade Social. Those students who have received 150 tickets or more and have completed all of their assignments will be able to attend. The Fifth Grade Social is a combination activity of music, games, prizes and activities appropriate for their grade level. Those students who do not meet the points or completed work requirement will not be able to attend and will stay back in the detention room.
Curriculum Reading/ Spelling/ Grammar: Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Writing: Traits of Writing Concepts (minus voice) Ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, and presentation Math: Trailblazers Problem Solving Number Sense Computation Communication Science: Smithsonian Kits (Bullock) Ecosystems Mixtures and Solutions Motion and Design Social Studies (Graves) US Regions Elections (Government) Constitution Westward Expansion Civil War
Grade 5 Grading Policy Language Arts –Reading Integrated Theme Tests Lab book pages (Vocabulary & Comprehension) Projects Informal Assessments –Spelling Tests (dictated words and sentences) Lab book pages –Writing Prompts Grammar Quizzes Informal Assessment Math Labs/Tests Journals Daily Practice Problems (DPP’s) Class work/Group work Science /Social Studies Tests Class work/Group work Projects/Informal Assessments
Homework is important because it is a valuable tool in helping students make the most of their experience in school. Homework helps reinforce what has been learned in class, prepares students for upcoming lessons, teaching responsibility and helps students develop positive study habits. Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday. Assignments should take approximately thirty- forty-five minutes to complete for spelling, reading, and math. Students are expected to do their best on each assignment. Homework should be done neatly and finished by class time the following morning. If students do not complete their homework, they will need to use their recess time to complete it. If there is a legitimate reason why a student is unable to finish a homework assignment, please send a note to me on the date the homework is due, stating the reason it was not completed. Homework Lets work together to make this a successful year for your child!
Thank You ! We sincerely thank you for taking time to come to our Open House. Your attendance shows us you care about the success of your child in school. This year we will be busy preparing for the State Test. We will discuss the test in school in order to prepare the children for the types of questions they will see. My goal is that your child will be fully prepared for the test, and that they maintain a positive attitude about their ability in succeeding on the test. Please help me instill this very important attitude as this will reduce test anxiety. Lets work together to help your child succeed in school this year. Please let me know of any concerns or needs you may have.