Rotation #18 Goals Standards: 1.24, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.1, 3.2, Reading: Informational Text ELA-Literacy Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently Standards: 1.5, 1.24, 3.7W. 5.9, W S.1.5 Demonstrate correct posture and position and correct touch-system technique for a s d f h j k l ; h e o m r i t n c. w, g v, right shift, b, u, left shift, space bar enter keys q, /. ‘ “ We will work on accuracy, and strengthen reaches to third, home, and bottom rows. GKC Continue with ABC Math Multimedia Project Define for math vocabulary words (Common Core/MCAS) fraction—quotient (green words) #2 Math Words: fraction, gratuities, graph, integers, inequality, interior angles, mean, median, mode, markdown, number line, order of operations, probability, proportion, pyramid, polygon, prism, percent, pattern, quadrilateral, quotient Create a visual for each word using the drawing toolbar Focus on Custom Animation and Action Settings and motion path. Create a “4” slide! ABC Math Project
What does a “4” slide look like? Your slide should …. Teach Tell a story Have a great definition and picture/visual Have great custom animation added Include action buttons linked to: (even more than 1) –games –music, rap songs –video Great design BE CREATIVE! Demonstrate your understanding of the math word! Strive for “Excellence!”
Name_____________________Group______ Date______ Slide Rubric Rotation (circle one) yellow green blue I have chosen slide #______ word is ____________ Put a check into each box to explain what you have done with your word. I have created a Teaching Slide I have created a slide that Tells a Story I have a great definition I have added great pictures/visual. I used the drawing toolbar to draw part of or all of my visual Added Custom Animation Have great custom animation added. Have good custom animation added. Have fair custom animation added I have added _____animations Included action buttons I have added _______buttons They are linked to: game music rap song video I have a great design---Explain what you have added ________________ ________________________________________________ I am CREATIVE and I have demonstrated my understanding of the math word! I am proud of my slide and I Strive for “Excellence!” I feel my slide should score a: (circle one) I feel my effort working on this slide should be scored (circle one) A B B- C+ C C- D
Class #1 Definition Visual Rotation Words Class #3 Definition Visual Rotation Words Class #2 Definition Visual Rotation Words Class #5 Choose 1 word Create a 4 Class #4 Choose 1 word Create a 4 If you miss a class you can see me: During enrichment Days 1, 2, 3 period 8 Monday after school Stay focused on class expectations and you will meet with success! Plan ahead so that you can use your classtime wisely!
Agenda for Rotation 18 1.Complete 1 yellow word “4” 2.Finish all 20 yellow words definition/picture “2” 3.Begin green words definition/picture “2” 4.Choose 1 green word create a “4” 5.If you are done with all of the above your choice: –GKC –Choose 2 more words from the yellow/green and create more “4’s” How do you link to an activity online? Extra help Open Lab is Monday until 3:30
TODAY’S AGENDA Rotation 18 Class #1 You will need your ABC Math sheet from your class bin and a pen/pencil Make up class for groups 2 (community reading day) 4 (basketball game) Log onto your computer and open up PowerPoint ABC Math You will continue definitions today! We will continue the green rotation Words to work on today: fraction, gratuities, graph, integers, inequality There are a total of 21 words for this rotation Goal is to complete 5 words per class! Standards: 1.5, 1.24, 3.7 W. 5.9, W S.1.5 How do you link to an activity online? Extra help is Monday
TODAY’S AGENDA Rotation 18 Class #2 You will need your ABC Math sheet from your class bin and a pen/pencil Log onto your computer and open up PowerPoint ABC Math You will continue definitions today! Words to work on today: interior angles, mean, median, mode, markdown There are a total of 21 words for this rotation Goal is to complete 5 words per class! Standards: 1.5, 1.24, 3.7 W. 5.9, W S.1.5 What is an example of the mean? Looking ahead: Math Vocabulary test: April 14, 2014
TODAY’S AGENDA Rotation 18 Class #3 You will need your ABC Math sheet from your class bin and a pen/pencil Log onto your computer and open up PowerPoint ABC Math You will continue definitions today! Words to work on today: number line, order of operations, probability, proportion, pyramid There are a total of 21 words for this rotation Goal is to complete 5 words per class! Standards: 1.5, 1.24, 3.7 W. 5.9, W S.1.5 Have your tried to use the “scribble tool?” How does it work?
TODAY’S AGENDA Rotation 18 Class #4 You will need your ABC Math sheet from your class bin and a pen/pencil Log onto your computer and open up PowerPoint ABC Math You will continue definitions today! Words to work on today: p olygon, prism, percent, pattern, quadrilateral, quotient There are a total of 20 words for this rotation Goal is to complete 5 words per class! Standards: 1.5, 1.24, 3.7 W. 5.9, W S.1.5 What percent of your grade is daily work?
TODAY’S AGENDA Rotation 18 Class #5 Log onto computer 1.Check Absentee Folder for any work you are missing! 2.GKC 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 purple paper Open up your ABC Math PowerPoint Work on Vocabulary Words: Green section #21-41 Definitions and visuals using the drawing toolbar. Fill in worksheet with your final score for this rotation. Add custom animation to 5 words and work on 1 word to a level 4---add a story and or action settings Standards: 1.5, 1.24, 3.7 W. 5.9, W S.1.5 You will need your ABC Math Vocabulary worksheet from the bin and a pen/pencil Looking ahead! We will have a test on the vocabulary words and definitions…..March 24
The rules for performing operations in expressions with more than one operation; first perform the operations in (), clear the exponents, perform X and / and then + and -
Am I on track to finish? Dates of Rotation 17 Class #1 fraction-inequality Class #2 interior angles-markdown Class #3 number line-pyramid Class #4 polygon-quotient Class #5 Make-up production