Room: 210 Teacher: Coach Pease citations/ mot.php?mot=science
Web Site For 7 th Grd. Math with Coach Pease Best way to keep up to date on class work for both Student and Parent. (This is updated weekly)
Things to Look For Every Other Monday (or first day of week): Progress report for science Newsletter at Beginning of each 6 weeks
Grades Posted Weekly on Back of Classroom Closet Door by ID#
Class Expectations 1. Have all appropriate materials and supplies at your table and be seated when the bell rings 2. Respect the people, animals, equipment and furnishings of room Follow Directions the first time they are given
Class Expectations Cont. 4. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise 5. Raise your hand and wait for permission to do otherwise 6. Do NOT eat, drink, or chew »7. Be on time to class, EVERYDAY! »8. Come to learn, Not Play! (This is not daycare!)
Consequences 1. Warning: Teacher/Student Conference 2. Call/ Home 3. Office Referral
Daily Required Supplies Math Journal Notebook Paper 2 pocket folder (math only) Pen / Pencil that works Hand Held Pencil sharpener Completed Homework Ready to Learn Attitude
Grading / Missing Assignments 1. Make up work and extra credit will not be given (students responsible to turn in work on time with name at top of assignment) 2. Progress reports will go home every other Monday (or first day of the week) to be signed and returned by Wednesday 3. Name must be on all assignments, –NO Name=NO Grade
Cheating Automatic U for Conduct Automatic 0% with no opportunity to make up Cheating includes but not limited to: –Copying information from another student –Copying from an encyclopedia, internet, ect. –Allowing someone else to copy your work
Animals Fish Bearded Dragon Do NOT handle without permission Do NOT feed them anything without teacher permission Anyone who mis-treats an animal in a negative/harmful manner on purpose will have charges pressed against them. –Animal Cruelty is against the law in the USA.
Looking forward to a great year! First grade for this year: – class handouts signed and returned by next class day This power point can be found on the website.