How well I do is up to me!
What happened to the MEAP test? The MEAP in high school is now called the MME (Michigan Merit Examination) and is made of three parts… 1) ACT test (tests reasoning, not content in reading, writing, social studies, math and science) 2) WorkKeys (tests applied math, reading and locating information) 3) MME (knowledge/content questions in science, social studies and reading)
When and How? All juniors take the MME (Michigan Merit Exam) in the spring 3-day test taken off campus 40 ACT science questions in 35 minutes (usually day 1) 49 MME science questions in 40 minutes (usually day 3) Test Dates this year – March 10, 11, and 12.
Pacing is Important! You have less than a minute to answer each question… Do the easier ones first Read the questions first so you know what you’re looking for in the passages, tables or graphs Don’t “read into” questions. Many are written so that you can answer them with just the information given. Do not pay attention to your neighbor’s pacing Watch the clock…occasionally! With a few minutes remaining, fill in those empty bubbles…ALL OF THEM!
What are the questions like? All questions are multiple choice this year. While some questions are “normal” multiple choice format, many multiple choice questions might ask things related to a… Reading passage (between one and four paragraphs) Table Graph
What will the questions require me to do? ACT questions- Day 1 Look up information (in paragraph, table, graph) Spot a trend from information Draw a conclusion or make a prediction Identify the purpose, procedures or way to test a hypothesis Identify similarities and differences in viewpoints in a passage DO ALL THE LOOKUP QUESTIONS FIRST, YOU HAVE THE BEST CHANCE OF GETTING THESE RIGHT IF TIME RUNS OUT MME questions- Day 3 Answer questions using knowledge of science
Science “Jargon” When you read some of the passages on the test, you WILL see words (lots of them) you’ve never heard before. You do not need to know the meaning of most of the words to correctly answer the question. For example… Which of the following types of polycarbonate structural materials contains the greatest number of double bonds in its chemical structure? PolycarbonateSingle BondsDouble Bonds Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene 132 Bisphenol A- Polycarbonate 103
How are questions scored? ACT questions 7 passages with 5-7 multiple choice for each passage ( words) Not all passages and questions will “count” in your score (we don’t know which ones though) MME questions 49 multiple choice with or without tables, graphs and passages All questions will “count” in your overall test score ANSWER EVERY QUESTION>>NO PENALTIES FOR GUESSING>>ONLY CORRECT ANSWERS ARE COUNTED! WITH A FEW MINUTES LEFT, START BUBBLING IN ANY UNFINISHED ANSWERS! WEAR A WATCH!!!!
How is the test scored? You will receive an overall score in each core area (science, math, reading, writing, social studies) Scores you might receive are… 1= Advanced* 2= Proficient* 3= Partially proficient 4= Not proficient * The state considers these two levels acceptable, or “passing”
Promise Scholarship YOU CAN EARN $4,000 for college by scoring 1’s and 2’s on the ACT/MME test! $1,000 freshmen year $1, 000 sophomore year $2,000 after successful completion of first two years
Promise Scholarship Eligibility Rules Enroll at an approved Michigan postsecondary institution or a military service academy within two years of becoming a high school graduate (two-year period would be extended for service in armed forces or Peace Corps). Complete the postsecondary education requirements (associate degree, two-year certificate, vocational education program2 or 50% of the academic requirements for a bachelor’s degree, which is 60 semester or 90 term credits) within four years of initial enrollment. Achieve a cumulative college GPA of 2.5 (for students completing vocational education programs that do not record grades; proof of course completion is required). Be a high school graduate or have passed the GED or any other graduate equivalency exam approved by the State Board of Education. Be a Michigan resident.
Are there other reasons I should care? The better, overall, PHS does on the test… The better, overall, we are “graded” as a school… The better chance, overall, we have at receiving more funding for education! DO YOUR BEST…FOR YOU AND ALL OF US!
Things to think about… If you care at all,you'll get some results.If you care enough, you'll get incredible results. -Jim Rohn "Act as though it is impossible to fail." -Anonymous "Life's real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up." -Anonymous You are the only one who can use your ability. It is an awesome responsibility. -Zig Ziglar